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Everything posted by bma

  1. Else, Jusy add the stabilizers as childs and enable them whenever somebody is using the jaws of life
  2. bma

    Hong Kong Mod V2 [WIP]

    Its really simple to make. I made a curtain that works the same way a cupple of weeks ago You just have to make some animations follow this tutorial: http://forum.emergency-planet.com/tutorials/article/2-animating-3d-models/
  3. The pictures can be changed in unit folder It should make sence how to do it when you open it
  4. You have to change it in the lang folder Not in the editor
  5. Not nessesarily As far as i know its posible to thange the mini map in freeplay
  6. But it would still be posible to make a workaround Just change the mini map showing the path when somebody steels the car
  7. It is posible to show paths on the mini map, but im not sure hos There is an old mod called "Einsatz | Mit Blaulicht durch Mandenburg" that does it Can be found here: http://www.emergency-forum.de/index.php?page=DatabaseItem&id=1064
  8. What abiut using the PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, X.f); Not sure its spelled the right way though
  9. What is it that you want to change?
  10. As far as i know the only thing you can do with xml in Emergency is changing the GUI
  11. Any creative type out there that are awesome at designing maps? We are talking putting objects on the map, not making the texture. I'm currently working on our festival and i could really use some fresh eyes to look at it
  12. Good luck, you will need it That kinds of codes are extremly hard to make, even for an experienced scripter. Your first problem will most likely be even finding a scripter for your mod. Im sorry to say, but allmost all mods where the leader only knows how to skin cars end in failture. But good luck, im cheering for you
  13. Yeah me too. I actually voted for it because it actally looked like a pick up Sorry to tell, but the cover kinda ruins it That being said, the models still look awesome
  14. Not sure if i missunderstood anything. But according to the pictures 2 pages back, the silvardo was a pick up truck?
  15. Proberly not. It would mean i would have to make an entire new animation. Dont know how to do that on people
  16. Time for a little video showing what i have been working on for the last cupple of weeks It is the medical tent which will be used in the music festival mission of version 1.1. Here it will be possible to ask what peoples problems are before either sending them to wait at a chair or sending them into a medical room to be treated. A lot of work still have to be done, but i think your guys are getting the concept
  17. Yeah, it will be a mission, just like the already excisting 3 missions. Just now you have 5-6 people to control and there will be comming people into the medical tent plus you will still get call outs for people laying injured around the festival area
  18. Whats wrong with the e4mod fil i have uploaded? Good thing that the festival area is a car free area... buuuuut somebody could bring a backpack
  19. Hell yeah it is, and it is gonna be awesome e4m file uploaded -> copenhagen-mod.dk Remember to read the manual in the mod
  20. You could just write to me and ask for permission? I made like half of the cars Mod looks awesome mate!
  21. 2 questions 1) did you turn the station in a different dirrection than the original one? 2) if you take a fire fighter and ask him to run to the other side of the station, can he run threw it or does he run around it?
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