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  1. Hey so I've got the steam version of 911 First Responders / EM4 and I am running across an issues with modding. Basically, any mod that comes with the .exe installer after using the installer tool those ones all load up and run smoothly, however any mods I download that are drag / drop folders load about 50% of the way and then freeze. For Example, the LA mod comes with an installer, I run that with the installer tool and it loads in and runs, but the LA county mod you just drag a folder over and it is supposed to run Is there another step after dragging the LA County folder or whatever into the mods folder?
  2. Hello All, I have been trying to get EM4 to work on my Mac. So far, here's what I have done and the outcomes: I first installed Wineskin, which is a program that allows me to run windows .exe files. Using this, I installed steam for windows, and then installed the game files for EM4, which I saved to a folder on the desktop. I then went and hit run on the EM4.exe file using Winebottler's Wine program, which is similar to Wineskin. The game launched, and I was able to get to the main menu tablet thing and clicked to start a free game. When I did this it loaded approximatly 75% and stopped loading. I'm not sure what else to do. I have attempted to use a virtual machine for it but that wouldn't work at all, as I couldn't get windows to boot on startup for some reason. Any suggestions will help, bootcamp is not going to be an option for me. Thanks, Patriot
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