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  1. Hello, I purchased Emergency 4 Deluxe Edition on steam and downloaded the LA Mod for the game however, when I extract the files and run the .ext file, there's a pop-up: Setup could not find a valid installation of Emergency 4 or 911: First Responders and is unable to find a location to install the mod! Can someone please help me to resolve this?
  2. Hello there im making a new mod for Crowley Fire Rescue in Crowley Texas im goin to need some help doing this so if you would like to help please let me know..... my email address is clonetrooper95@yahoo.com just email me if your interested or just comment on this topic... Thanks, Crowley Fire Department
  3. actually when you call extra fd units the sirens play but auto siren stays on all the time i just takes turns i guess you could say and plays the siren every other time you dispatch the Fire trucks with all of them
  4. Im using the la mod and have new sirens but they are not playing directly sometimes i normally have to push the siren button can someone help me fix this problem
  5. ohh and one more thing shouldnt it play directly if you dispatch the car or truck and not have to click the siren button a few times to get it to play
  6. Thank you so much God bless you and merry Christmas
  7. ok so do i rename the sirens i want to siren 1-6
  8. do i need to replace the oringinal siren files
  9. well i looked at the properties of the WAV files and the bit rate is 352 kbps and it doesnt say anything else about it i mean i could send you the file and see if we could find out whats wrong with it or what i did wrong And btw what software do you have Nevermind i figured out the mono thing and do they need to be set at a certain thing
  10. oh well would you like to help me figure it out
  11. i have no clue what that is but they might be if i send them to you would you be able to tell.they are named for they siren that they are called but in the mod they are named siren 1 through 6
  12. Yeah the sirens are compressed into wav files so i changed the original sirens and it would make no sound if you clicked on the siren button but when they were dispatched and they came to traffic they played the oringal sirens like the unmodified game of EM4, i put them in the right file and i could send you the file if you want to see if you can get it to work
  13. Guess so plus just need help on on thing One*
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