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About angelrosasfunny

  • Birthday 12/01/1998

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  • Interests
    the ambulances and michael jackson

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  1. the mod is suspended due to lack of staff and not knowing how to make a mod
  2. good talking about the mod here not to argue, besides, I need partners to make the models and some more
  3. I offer a suggestion about a secret police car is a vauxhall vectra pay no attention to pay attention to page photos here I leave a photo: http://www.igcd.net/...f2603d3f81635c9
  4. I offer a suggestion about a secret police car is a vauxhall vectra pay no attention to pay attention to page photos here I leave a photo: http://www.igcd.net/vehicle.php?id=10906&PHPSESSID=6ab3dc01112c86cb3f2603d3f81635c9&l=es&PHPSESSID=6ab3dc01112c86cb3f2603d3f81635c9&width=1600&PHPSESSID=6ab3dc01112c86cb3f2603d3f81635c9
  5. but for example if I want to speak with a Spanish friend have to speak Spanish that maybe this post is private to that friend
  6. I said that if foreigners did not understand something that will translate by google
  7. for now please or you'll report you
  8. yo veo mas facil el sketchup que el zmodeler
  9. o si no se necesita un modelador y un experto en subir descargas
  10. el mod sufrira un grave retraso de unos 4 meses debido a que un amigo se ha ido de viaje y no puede instalar el antivirus para el sketchup
  11. focuz not understand what you're looking at the google translator. And this also goes to other foreigners
  12. y hay una cosa que no se que no se hacer personales de emergencia traslation: and one thing is not: 1046274283_heul: not to personal emergency
  13. una pregunta ¿es muy dificil utilizar zmodeler? translation: a question ¿is very difficult use zmodeler?
  14. a que te refieres con lo de las texturas en el paint, ademas que se meten virus y por cierto el editor solo me sirve para los mapas ¿no? siento ser tan coñazo pero es el primer mod que creo translation: what you mean with the textures in the paint, in addition to that get a virus and I use the editor only for maps right? sorry to be such a pain in the ass but I think the first mod: holdglass:
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