hahaha they can be kind of scary in the dark for sure ,... one of my favorites,... do you know what kind of handguns they use? and SWAT truck is awesome,.. Is that a firefighter truck redisegn for police? Do you have any information about equipment they use? any action video here is some of the recent action of atj lučko - men in a car full of gasoline with a lighter in a hand tried to blow up the building,... I wouldunt say they are the fastes, because that video is fasted up,.... but they look good,... thougt I like SWAT truck with ladder,.... ok,.. i took a wrong word, but it is ok, because everyone understod,... What of those are primary unit which deals with toughest missions ? I see they using mp5 and SCAR,... any info about members, training, equipment ? :D:D:D:D:D:D