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Everything posted by Tian318

  1. From an insurance company(has good once all the time) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUR4FlWKsAY&feature=related
  2. Well i think that reports the post + member to the mod's so they can look into it, allong with your text you placed there. and decide what to do with it
  3. click on the "report" button under a post. last time i did it you needed to fill in some stuff, and click send
  4. PM + pods are finished, Next update will contain the ALP. (and also pictures of the finished PM + pods)
  5. select your car. Then right click on the map, if the point is reachable the car will drive there. If not, the car will drive close to it's destination point, and stop(after attempting a few times to reach the point you clicked) EDIT: Be sure to RIGHT click on the map after you have selected the "send to target" button. Clicking left will result in the buzzer sound you hear. EDIT: check the vid
  6. In freeplay and campaign missions you can call vehicles by: clicking in the lower left corner to a corresponding icon(police, ambulance, Fire dept, tec's) or by pressing F1 to F4 to open up a new list. this list appears on the left side of the screen. When you click a portrait of a vehicle. a new screen opens, where you can add personnel to a vehicle. once you have the car + personnel + enough funds, you can click on 2 buttons(in the lower part of the vehicle screen) One is the "send to meeting point" button One is the "send to target" button Click the most left one(send to meeting point)and the car will leave the base to it's starting point on the map. Click the most right button(send to target) and click with your mouse right on the map, will send the vehicle + personnel to the clicked point on the map. EDIT: watch the vid
  7. It all depends on what you try to do. The images you see use the essex mod script. The script, writes to the game, and will comply with these settings. If you want to script it, then you can use any combination as long as the script contains them. If you want it to work, without a script, and open when personnel take something out of it. you need to change the settings to EQUIPMENT with the right axis and degrees of turning.
  8. When you add the door as a child. on the right side you have a list of options. 4types of ID's 3 types of axis and a input field for a degree where they turn on there you can change the id of a door.
  9. you add the connectors as childs. on the right side under the image of your child. you have a small input field. believe it is called: "NAME" there you enter(for the first one) add a new connector call it connector0 (press enter) no change is noticeable. add a new connector call it connector1 (press enter) and so on.
  10. give the connectors a name dunno for sure but that might be the problem. Connector0 Connector1 Connector2 Connector3
  11. I really disagree.... a mod can delay an infinite number of days, depending on the private situations of the modders. For instance, the release of essex rebuild should have been over 2 months ago. But because of personal problems, and my car crash it is getting delayed more and more. If we gave members a date to hope for, and you fail to deliver, not only is that bad for the people who will follow your mod. You can also receive flame posts, for missing your day. other then that, i personally find nothing so irritating, when you visit a topic of a mod you are working on and read, "when will this mod come out" or something like that. most people have no idea, how long it takes to build a good mod, so a lot of impatience is around. telling people not to ask for dates, is far more better, due to all given reasons stated above, and most likely a few others.
  12. Quote from another topic: 1. i say: Close it, i don't see any use for it..... 2. i say: Close it, chat boxes always give problems, use up a lot of bandwidth(when used) and give a big pain in the *ss for nothing. 3. See point 1 4. And i thank you for that, more then enough room. 5. Still loving you for that. 6. I posted one there a time ago, still not on there (dutch, XML) (most have gone awald during the building of the tut section ) 7. And that is not always so handy,...it will give a download/file a edited mark, but it will not light up the icons agains, so people can't see by icons, when or if a file is updated(they need to look at post date, and last update date. 8. No commend, can only speak for GB mod's And we are glad with what we got 9. Again great, would save modder a lot of time typing dates/ or saying no. 10. b4 my time i think 11. Well here are some other once then If possible change the download icons, to light up when a file is updated, and not only when a file is posted. Reactivate the blog sections, as it is still down since you cleaned the DB. Still getting this now: An Error Occurred Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information. [#1062] You have no permission to view the Blogs Some tut's could be rewritten to dutch and reposted, as some here still can't read or read understandable English. And this might be kicking against the wrong leg,..but be a bit stricter in the off topic section... For the rest i think it's all good and clear. EDIT; If possible, make some sort of terms of agreement, that reminds users when they want to post on the help sections that they need to post with there text a logfile and dxfile, including the links to the FAQ on how to get them
  13. When you log on to this page, it will tell you when a new topic is made in the "important" area of the site: "View the latest news This is your chance!" All the way at the top of the forum page:-)
  14. Without wanting to be the *ssh*le of the year: Here is your chance
  15. In the editor modelname_door01.e4p modelname_door02.e4p Set "ID" as EQUIPMENT and so on in the model program(z modeler) modelname_door01 modelname_door02 and so on as the export modelname_door01.v3o modelname_door02.v3o and so on
  16. They need 3 guys to pin 1 down it's the hand on the gun i would say
  17. Spend about 95% of my time in to modding, weather it be; modeling skinning scripting changing game files But to compensate, before i started modding, i spend about 95%of my free time in playing the game(LA mod, NL mod, Default game)
  18. There is a version on-line and playable. This version how ever has it's bugs and issue's. We are working on a rebuild version to fix the problems you encounter. The police van bug is known, and in the rebuild this is fixed already(you guys just can't benefit this now). The mod should have it's personal, and you also should be able, to use that. (to be sure i will download this version(same as you all have)to double check. EDIT: The version you can already download does contain personal and the personal is usable. in all cars there is at least 1 personnel inside the crews can use their functions and stuff, so i see no problem there. The police van indeed is still missing the wheels in this version.
  19. hmm that is a choice you made then, Cause you can add 4 types of doors, with different settings on a car. - Personal doors - Equipment doors - Special doors - "NONE" doors. The script in essex mod makes use of those ID's for instance;.... If hose gets connected to hose connection = Open door: Special at Z axis 140.0 Open door: NONE at Z axis -140.0 else doors stay closed If you set your doors to PERSONAL doors with axis and sliding settings, the doors will open when personal gets in and out of your car. If you set a door/multiple doors, to EQUIPMENT, with axis and sliding setting, the door(s) will open when Equipment is taken out or placed back in the truck. Don't know for sure why or what the SPECIAL and none doors do by default. But in essex mod, we use a script to open the doors with those ID'S
  20. Very simple you need 2 things: Doors Script Apply the script to the doors(in the editor(make sure you have the right axis and angle of the doors), and test. Animations are not needed for the opening of the doors. The script will open the doors with a specific name(or ID what ever you prefer). The script is a bit harder to write, but basically it should contain things like: when hose gets attached = open doors when hose is attached = doors stay open when hose is (being) detached = close doors. Door id names. Commands for the editor.
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