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Everything posted by Tian318

  1. Well hope it is off some use to u. The error you get isn't harmful(as long as it not the 3th option i gave you). What ever it is, is closed down(cause it can't work proper). Just a bit annoying. I have heard of some cases where the windows updater is the fault itself. This is most common with people how control their updates them selfs. They choose to not install certain packages. So only some parts of the windows version are updated. While other remain old. thus giving you 2 "versions" of windows files on the pc. If Microsoft© decided to change something, the system itself can't work proper with its self. You could try(if the problem stays even without starcraft) To see if your problem lays there. (you could see this as a 4 option). You are welcome. Hope it helped you out. If you want the EM4 LA Mod problem to be looked at. Just upload the DXdiag and logfile, so we can take a look at them.
  2. okey this points me in the right direction. But i still can be wrong(cause of the massive use for the rundll32.exe) The code is clear, an tells you that the rundll32.exe(library file opener) has a problem with your kernel32.dll(library file). It how ever does not state why it is wrong. I looked this code up and all i could find about it is that. There is a problem with the bits you pc uses. (16bit/32bit/64bit) As you get this line after 10minutes there are several option to the cause: 1. You windows software does not match you hardware bits, for example: You can have windows 64bits, while your hardware is 32bits. But windows installer almost excludes this problem as i should check your hardware before installing(if you try) to install a 64bits Operating system on a 32bits machine. you should have gotten the error telling you that the software does not match hardware and installation will not continue/will continue but the windows software will get problems later on. 2. Your software(that could be anything) does not match your hardware problems. For example you could have installed a 64bits(or 16bits) virus scanner software program(any type of software will do)(mobile phone, touch pads, drivers, games, editing programs, writing software, video software, drivers for later placed hardware) Witch causes problems on your pc. giving you the error. 3. I don't think this is your problem, but it's a possibility : Your kernel32.dll file is corrupted. This would mean that your windows installation is indeed corrupted. A .dll as stated before is a library file, Some might even call it a database. we all know what library/database is. It hold information about something, and will lent you that information when required. .dll files are no different then a library, you need a pass to get in, you lent some information, when your done it is released. The pass for the kernel.dll file in this cause would be the rundll32.exe And if your kernel.dll file is corrupted the pass does not match So it can't lent any information, giving the error you just got. But here is where the problem lies, Kernel.dll is almost the heart of any windows OS.(there are other more important files) But the kernel.dll hold information about every other .dll file on the pc. If your pass(rundll32.exe)does not match with the kernel.dll it is needles to say that your entire windows is corrupted. My advise would be to check your software first. Make sure it matches your hardware(a faulty version of a video driver) will cause such an error to. make sure you got the right software to the hardware type. 32 bits hardware needs 32bits software(it can run with 64bits software but can cause problems.) a videocard(say)type Nvidia 7200 need the Nvidia 7200 drivers for it. it may run with the drivers for the 7300/7100 but can cause problems. Same with all you other software. You could also check to see, if your system has 32bits or 64bits. and the OS to match with that: Here is how you can find out: Right click your "my computer" icon and select properties. you will get a screen witch tells you the # Bits your windows software is. (System -->> Type of computer) Most new type of cpu's are 64bits(dual core/quad core, i5, i7, amd2, amd2+, am3)all types of 64bits. The best way to find out is to see you buy ticket(i don't know where you bought it) But it should state a model type + name, you can search that on the web. to find out what kind off hardware you got. if you build the pc yourself(or a friend did) you probably already know what type you got. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the other issue, If you would post your logfile and dxdiag we could take a look at why the la mod droppes you out(and maybe get more clues about the rundll32.exe error) The logfile of EM4 is located in the main directory folder of EM4 and is called "logfile.txt". To ascertain your DXdiag file: Start -> Run -> dxdiag ->(press) enter. Wait while it collects the details of your system. And use the safe button on it to make a file. Then upload them to the forum so we can take a look at them Thank you, and good luck.
  3. Sorry no, your going the wrong way, Or not far enough(depending on the point of view)
  4. judging by the writing on the truck(and the dog in the back of the truck) i would say: Spain K-9 unit for Explosive devises
  5. well rundll32.exe errors are a bit big. (used in almost every thing) Can you post a complete error line? or upload the windows log corresponding with the error type? (This is how you can do that): Start-->Run--> type in: eventvwr and enter/press ok Waith a while(windows is gathering information, when you get the log screen select: "Windows log"(i suppose it is called that way) Look for yellow and red icons, corresponding with the error on the time it happed. Copy/past that info in to a text file, and upload it here please. (example) (example of the error code) Toepassing met fout RunDLL32.exe, versie 6.0.6000.16386, tijdstempel 0x4549b0e1, module met fout unknown, versie, tijdstempel 0x00000000, uitzonderingscode 0xc0000005, foutmarge 0x0254b5ed, proces-id 0x8f4, starttijd van toepassing 0x01c864f541a97319.
  6. very good it the men from the Iraq "heavy police" (Simulair to swat/mp's) But there they just walk around like normal officers. your turn
  7. well not anywhere, not all country's use technicals and heavily armed "heavy police" as normal patrolling officers But no not Egypt
  8. But newfoundking shows that he gets 12 messages. hoppah's are a bit more i think So in both versions hoppah would be called the "mod god" Making newfoundking still a "demi mod god"
  9. mod in the dutch is common phraze for moderator. So in my language it is correct
  10. haha lol No i think if hoppah is already called the "mod god" here. you would be a "demi mod god"?
  11. well one thing is for sure. Hoppah is somebody, cause; When you are somebody, you have to be unreachable. For example: "God"
  12. A second screen for the hud is different than my goal with this. (all though it will be cool/nice/sweet(call it what you want). My goal is to get the complete screen divided in 2, (automatically filling it with the needed pixels.) make them both work in synchronized order.(so you wont see a truck driving from screen A to screen B(but takes 10sec to breach the gap between the 2 screens). i think it is easier explained as...i want to stretch the game out to reach the 3840x1080 resolution(the entire map(just like the desktop photo, it is one picture). But i am fine with leaving this open. who knows. Thanks for the replays anyways.
  13. Chicago at sunset(with blue filter on it)
  14. it gives a 1920x1080 resolution. No stretching
  15. Place in the World : Southern Africa Where in Southern Africa : Capetown Time of place : Today World Style : Government and army
  16. This topic can be closed. Thank you all for trying. I mailed to 16teen tons asking if they knew how to make tis happen. I would seem i would have to write a new option myself witch will enable dual screen. As the pixels need to be calculated different when using 2 screens. EM4 does not support dual screen right now, and they have no gain for making it work on something like that. Given the fact that even if i could write something like a dual screen patch, the game(according to 16tons would become very laggy) And may take a few months to years to perfect it. So i'll guess i keep it at 1920x1080 But thanks anywas
  17. All though EM4 does not support wide screens you can force him to do so anyway. Go to you EM4 directory folder and look for the file called: "em4.cfg" Open tis with notepad. And look for tis line: <var name="r_xres" value="*your resolution" /> <var name="r_yres" value="your resolution" /> You need to change your resolution in to a widescreen resolution making the file look like this: <var name="r_xres" value="1920" /> <var name="r_yres" value="1080" /> (tis is my native wide screen resolution). for a laptop i think you would need 1280 x 800 or something in that direction (edit:) other types of true wide screen resolutions(16:9) monitors can be found in resolutions of 1024x576, 1280x720, 1600x900, and 1920x1080.
  18. This is always been my favorite(since i was like 8years old) The front Side view(with a Shitload of equipment inside) Back view(pretty high pole,(about 14 meters(fully out)) Other side(with even more equipment Specs: Code name: 7431 "Taz"(the loony toon character) Base: Royal Air Force base: Woensdrecht airfield Role: Multi purpose truck Brand: DAF FFV75.270 ATI 4x4 Chassis: Kronenburg/Rosenbauer Type: Hedel TS6LD3400HD400T1500 Tank holding: 1500liters Crew: 6 Specialty: Multi task Out fitted with: First aid, Heat sensor, camera Fuel/Air pressure measurement, Explosive device handling material, Small live boat, hydrolysis ladder packing, 3 suction pipes(3meters), 1 suction filter head(for the suction pipes), 1 3 piece ladder, Emergency stretcher Crowbars, flashlights, eye washing station, 5 pressurized breathing devices, 2 combat knifes, 6 bottles of air, chemical equipment(boots, coveralls, helmets, hand gloves), Cutter(sheers), Chainsaw, Toolbox cutter + disks, pylons, powder extinguishers(BC 6kg)(D 12kg) power supply(4300KW/H), flares, diving equipment(and tons of other supporting stuff to secure/rescue/fight fire). Truck armament's : Engine: DAF RS200L 8,66Liter 6 cylinders Turbo Diesel with inter cooler good for: 270 Brake Horse Power Pumping unit: capacity: 3000l/min at 10bar, pumping up a massive amount of 24.000liter to get 40bar. (This truck will drain a lake when an airplane is on fire(that is way they are so rare in the dutch(only some airbases have lakes) Power source: Main engine Hose connections: 4x 1,5", 2x suction tube, 3x transportation hoses. Hoses: 10 x 2,5" transport hoses 4 x 1,5" Attack hoses(40bar) This baby will put out an burning F-16(fully loaded with bombs and fuel)under 2minutes, At the same time rescue the pilot(from land/sea or even plane), Securing the area, Brush patrols, Helping out with civil duties as well(for the district, Woendrecht/Bergen op zoom) Top speed: 155KM/H In service since 1996(making it one of the oldest still active fire truck in the dutch airforce) Will continue service until the late 2020's That is why this is my favorite(for over 14years now) EDIT: No we don't. The picture you see is the Rossenbauwer 6x6 The dutch(civil, airforce and navy) use the E-one HPR Titan(8x8) 26 are in civil use(on airports around the netherlands) 12 are in the airforce(3Woensdrecht, 3 Leeuwwarden, 3 Gilze Rijen, 3 Eindhoven) 3 are in the navy(3 in Den helder)
  19. i ban you for confusing the DUTCH with DENMARK (Dutch = Netherlands = Holland)
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