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Everything posted by Tian318

  1. Yes that is the one. is a bit puzzling though... As i compare you logfile with my logfile(both with LA mod) they look simulair. This means that the game is proper installed, and should work well. No strange things in your DXDiag. so there is no indication of troubles. Maybe you can try to run EM4 in compatibility mode. Mode's you could try are: XP SP2 Vista if one fails. you could also try to run it in administrator mode together with an compatibility mode. if that fails. use the combined combination of compatibility mode + administrator + Disable visual theme's If that fails. i don't know anymore.
  2. can you also upload a logfile please?
  3. I hope you mean bomb Disposal. Cause i don't want anything to do with a Bimbo disposal unit. The bimbos can stay
  4. For the sake of peace shall we say,.......He is only human? it was not yours that said 300gigs of ram. It was pmadden94 who claimed to have a simulair system as yours, only he had 300gigs of ram. So i really want to know where he got that type of motherboard. I could use more ram space And when ever you have posted the logfile leave a message here So we know you have updated the topic
  5. Can you supply more information about your pc? Post your DXdiag and logfile perhaps? If you don't know how or where you can find these things read this.
  6. haven't heard off an aussie mod, but then again, i don't hear that much about other mods Xd.
  7. hmm now you got me wondering,...... How the hell do you get 300gig of memory? i suspect you mean a 300gb hard disk drive. cause if you don't i want to know what type of motherboard you got (then i'm ordering one for myself to) ontopic: if the admin option does not work. please upload a log file. your pc(notebook) is good enough,..but without a log file we can't see why it dumps you out. (logfiles can be found in the main directory of Emergency 4, and are called: Logfile.txt)
  8. The resolution you entered in the game config file is to great for you display. It states: The pieces in red are what i mean: You entered a resolution of 1680 x 1050 But this it to great by 402. Try changing the config file to: 1280 x768(this is widescreen resolution(16:9)) or if you have an 4:3 screen use this one: 1280 x1024 if the game still crashes and the log file tells you the same, you could try: 1024 x768 or 1280 x960 Small edit: Acording to your DXdiag file, your screen should support the 1680x1080 resolution. But the game does not seem to know that. Try to run it with a lower resolution first. See if it starts. if it does. use the options (in the game) to change it to its highest. If the game still work. Reopen it Be sure to use notepad and change the config file to the 1680x1050.
  9. go to the main folder of em4(called; Emergency 4). and look for the file named: em4.cfg Open it with notepad, and look for the code stan provided to you.
  10. Correct a rhino runner. purpose transporting civies around Your up next.
  11. haha lol, army boots kick ass! No it has been in service there though
  12. Now i wished i did not see it Hmm the writing on the would suggest that tis car is from Russia but i don't know any regions in rusia
  13. no the are looking for a uv mapper/skinner They talk in to tongs there english and dutch(and some even a 3th german)(edit)SOME even 4,(French) so i think they he would do well there
  14. dude, maybe tis is your call? NL mod searches
  15. Is it from Switzerland? riot police(i suppose i would be called)
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