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About adamknightley

  • Birthday 10/30/1987

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    Music, Neighbours, Home and away, The Bill, Eating, Going out with friends.

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  1. i was wondering like in lad mod if there is any way of creates commands in london mod v1.2 for my units to call for back up etc. If so can someone please help me do that.

  2. I like this very much, but i have downlaoded it and it is trying to find .cfg files meaning that i can not open the freeyplay files to edit it, can you please help.
  3. I like what i am seeing so far, i cant wait to download it for the first time.
  4. i had a problem with my computer and lost my la mod v 1.9 is there any one out there that can send me a version of it as i really want it back or know how i can get my hands on it. Please if you can help i beg of you to. Thanks ajk.
  5. can you email v 1.9 to me aswell please as my computer went tech and i was deleted.
  6. No it just that you get ques building up into the intersection, whic means other cars cant go, or two cars have tryed to cross the same path. I send a police unit down and try to re direct traffic and that dosent't work, i feel with less traffic i wouldn't have these problems.
  7. I am having a massive problem with traffic overlode. I get traffic jams everywhere, and then when i get a fire or any other emergancy, my units cannot get through the jam. Also that when i get fires all the cars in a jam blow up creating a mess. Is there any way in whic you can reduce the amount of traffic on the raods. Please help.
  8. Yes that would be good. make it more in line with today.
  9. I think that you can never have to many police stations, but then you would take out all the fun of attending calls if you had police stations everywhere. But a port patrol would be good, and maybe a court house so these criminals can get sentances, and then a county jail of some kind to put them in.
  10. ok then didn't realise that was a problem
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