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  1. Hello! Do you have any pictures?
  2. No, they aren´t, I meant the .png files of texture
  3. Hallo, Have been the missions map textures from LA mod ever relased? If yes, exist any download link? Thanks
  4. Hi! Is possible to edit animations of persons? For example I want to create new paramedic team as you can see in picture, but they won´t fit to animations of basic paramedic team from Em4, what should I do? Thanks
  5. Hi! I have a problem: I copy traffic cone script from LA mod, everething works, but when I equip policeman with traffic cone, cone not appear. Any ideas why this hapennnig? Thank for help and sorry for my english
  6. Hi! I am in team, which is making Hradecko Mod /Czech republic/ and I have one question: I have a med helicopter, and there is a paramedic in heli. I want to rappel paramedic down from heli like engineer from tec helicopter in basic game. Can somebody help me? Thanks and sorry for my english
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