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    Toronto ,Ontario ,Canada

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  1. hey, I downloaded this mod after seeing a bunch of Youtubers plaay it, but unfortunately there is a whitebox problem...I don't k now how to fix it so I cant see most of the lights on the emergency veichles....pls help thanks in advance
  2. this was is going to be my first European mod for em4, but I don't know how to install it. I did what I normally did (downloaded it, extracted it with WinRAR, moved the extracted folder into the mods file in the game folder) and it did not work.... please help thanks, cool looking mod by the way
  3. hey people, great work on this awesome mod. I was just wondering where I could get my hands on a signature from. thanks
  4. um not to be rude or anything but is this mod dying/dead? becuease I have only seen theNorthernAlex and sometimes Patar 1441 play this and have never seen a V2 or any news of it. Once again I am only curious.
  5. Thanks guys. So I probably have yo update or something
  6. sorry dude, i have V2.0 , but the version i saw had 2 ambulances at the fire station, 2 and 1 supervisor at one medic station, AND another station with 2 more ambulances. i should have been more specific. so is there like a Beta V3 that only the youtubers get to test?
  7. hey dude,

    firstly I would like to congratulate you on making one of my favorite mods. Also I was wondering if maybe in a future version add the park script like in the London mod V1.3, because that would be quite cool and usefull. finally I was going to ask oyu if there is a signature fro this mod, and if so where I can get it from.



  8. hey guys, the other day I was watching theNorthernAex play an episode of Emergency 4 west coast Canada mod, and I noticed that there are 2 AMBULANCE STATIONS instead of 1, so I was wondering If a new version came out and I was just totally in the dark or something? thanks in advance
  9. hey dude,

    I was looking at the rockport mod on this forum, and I saw that it was "locked by request"

    what happened?

    is the mod now not a thing anymore or what?

    1. randomperson139


      It will have been because the author requested that the topic be locked. I can't remember the reasoning for this, but yes, it's safe to assume it's not being worked on anymore.

    2. theultimateassasin11


      thanks for the info dude1 that's a shame about the mod though, I loved what they did


  10. thanks murf, sorry that I ased the question twice but I did not know if that corona problem was a standard thing or if it was applicable to all mods, thank you for posting the link,
  11. hey finn, great mod! I am fairly new to EM4 and the boston mod but I saw patar 1441 playing a boston mod a few months ago and I was interested in it ever since. I did download a boston mod from you before (V 1 I think) but the lights were always white squares so I was wondering if I broke it, or is the mod broken, or something It would be great if you could help me out. keep up the great work!
  12. as far as I have seen, the pictures of this mod look amazing.although this mod has taken bit more time than other mods to make a V 1.0 , we should all cut the modders some slack as they probably also have their own lives to deal with. but I really hope you don't stop entirely. keep up the great (and slightly slow) work
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