if it is available for em4 its available for first responders. they are the same game only in the us they titled it 911 first responders and the game has an English translation.
I have a question for FFW TUT or Tim, when you guys will be releasing the mod will it be available on the EM4 platform or if there is a way to alter the files to work in emergency 2012 will you just release it in that?
I was figuring on suggesting adding the concept of the vehicles in the game to have a fuel meter just like all the other things like scba and trucks would have to refill on occasion but i wanted to first know how they do it before i just threw that out there. just saying please don't ban. but i was trying to make the correlation between the real world and connecting it to the mod, just did not want to sound stupid.
true there would deferentially be more of an issue but since they get one call at a time that makes it a bit simpler. As well if you look at all those sports games like madden 11 they have control over one person and then A/I are doing other things at once. But Idk how simple or complex that would be to do.
I have an idea for the NY mod team I mentioned this in the 2012 topic and i don't know how hard this is to do but judging by the screens and stuff i have heard these guys are like crazy talented and it might be possible for them. So with that being said, what if there could be a first person perspective cam that would give you the capabilities of being able to control the Emergency staff and do tasks and such with the equipment. Although I think i have heard that you cant due to the fact that all the tasks you can do in emergency are animated effects, Not sure though. But its just a suggestion.
he's right guys, people can get really really annoying I know trust me I have had to deal with that on a daily basis. You just have to ignore it thats the mature way of handling it and i know everyone here can i mean we all complement each others work and stuff, and constantly helping each other out. sorry site didn't update at same time so...
Hi, the windows 7 file structure directory is a lot different than the previous OS systems made by microsoft. Try this directory in your system, C:\Program Files (x86)\WizardWorks\911 - First Responders\Mods thats where mine was installed and located on my hard drive automatically by windows 7 .
Lol! did you guys build your own editor and then a game. Its just amazing what people say you can't do and then a group like you guys come along and do the so called impossible. Now I know thats not an update but, Great work. I cant wait to be able to play it for myself.
I have a question, i don't know if it has already been asked but if it has . Will the use of different suppression agents for example foam be used and will there be different classifications of fire class A,B,C and so on?
Hi, can someone point me in the right direction for this. Where can I find the RTS download like i have looked threw the download center but can't find it.
it all depends on your region. Some places are rural thats all they got its what they work with. all though your right most departments have a fire hydrant system in place here in the USA.
yea, they use those mostly on interior attacks and small fires. 4 inch and 5 inch tend to be used for drafting water from a source. Hose beds are designed to be able to pack I think NFPA standards for the USA are 1000 ft of 5 inch line that would be required due to the circumstances of where the truck needs to be compared to the water source.( for example: long distances use would be a lake 700ft away/short distance a tanker 20ft away) Although I am not sure about standard storage compacity but i know it near there.
not sure, I know the two main ones are 1 3/4 in and 2 1/2 in here in america, 1 3/4 I believe can be ran alone if you do it right, 2 1/2 you need a back-up man.