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  1. This has been my favorite mod for awhile, I'm thrilled to see it updated, but a little sad to see that this is the last one. A few questions: 1. I know that this is the last update according to you guys, but if you ever were to find a fix for the parking script crashes would you be willing to at least update that in the future? 2. I love all the hard work put into the new ladder truck, but I personally loved the tiller. Is it possible to replace the truck with the tiller using the same directions above to replace E283 with a tanker? Is it also possible to add it to the startup script by editing it? Will this require editing of the virtual objects in the station? 3. I noticed that the new truck is not a "callable" unit in the vehicle selection menu, and there is no "unit" folder for it in the "Units/Vehicles/Fire Department" folder of the mod. If my #2 is not possible, how would I add the ability to call in multiple truck companies? (I like to RP multiple alarm responses to fires and major traffic collisions, which require additional truck companies) 4. How can I edit the speed of the new truck if there is no unit.xml file for it? Currently, mine is going about 2 mph. http://www.emergency-planet.com/uploads/emoticons/default_sad.png FIXED Thanks in advance, and thanks for making such an awesome mod. I look forward to seeing what your team has in store for the future.
  2. Hello, I realize that you guys appreciate the use of the "search" feature here, and believe I have searched high and low for a solution to my problem but have unfortunately been unable to find one. I apologize in advance if I just simply didn't look hard enough. I'm trying to install W00ds maps to LA Mod 2.1 (I'm a new player who just got into the game after discovering this mod). I'm using the installer that Hoppah made however when I try to install the map to game files, it gives me the following error message: "Could not find an installation of Los Angeles Mod v2.0! Please install Los Angeles Mod v2.0 first." Obviously, 2.0 was the previous version of the mod which leads me to assume that w00ds maps are only compatible with v2.0 and below, which I'm really hoping isn't the case. If it is possible to install w00ds maps into v2.1, could one of you guys walk me through the process or tell me how to do so? Thanks in advance.
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