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  1. Just wondering if the clan was able to obtain permission from the owners, or remove the content?
  2. I mean I have been a member of other clans, one of them being Squad 55. If I may just point out something I noticed. As he mentioned above, the mod is very similar. I'll agree that there are script edits and reskins, but I'm no modder and have no idea what the right is of how much you need to edit to call it your "own". Don't you also need to get permission from every script/model owner before placing it in a mod and releasing it? I also browesed your website and read your rules and SOPs, if I remember correctly...aren't those from Squad 55? Isn't that copyright of some sort or bad practice? Idk but I feel if you want to stand out, you should be independant and make your own content, not steal them from FRG/S55/or who ever. Just makes no point to myself or im sure others to see a clan that is just a cookie cutter community. Other clans have years "operations" and made their own. They didn't just become the big clans they are today just from copy/pasting. I figured I'd just share my view and possibly help your new clan out.
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