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About CardioSurgery999

  • Birthday August 26

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  • Interests
    Metropolitan Police - Vehicles, equipment, officers. I adore any game involving police, ambulance or fire service. I also am interested in Surgery

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  1. A lot of police officers in the UK, especially in rural areas, conduct foot patrols for neighbourhood policing duties UK patrol officers don't carry firearms, therefore pepper spray is necessary and is used as a last resort. We have Specialist Firearms Officers for that. Riot Police (Territorial Support Group, Tactical Aid Unit) is a genuine unit used in all police services. It is used to keep the peace in a riot situation. It contains specially trained public order and Taser officers, alongside medics with identical training. Military fire engines are used in the British Military when in war zones or at barracks. Organ transplant/blood bikes are used to carry blood and organs from one hospital to another in a rapid response situation. If someone needs urgent organs or blood and the hospital have low supplies, NHS volunteer blood bikers are able to respond quickly and effectively to deliver the blood or organs.
  2. Hi Would it be possible to see the old Metropolitan Police TSG vans? (the long ones with blue rotating lights and the jam sandwich design) I love the design and it would be great if they were interpreted into the game.. Thanks CardioSurgery999
  3. Hi releaser When I go onto Mega, it is saying that the file needs to be decrypted, and that I need a key to do it, however I do not currently have access to the key. If anybody could help me with this, I would be extremely grateful Thanks CardioSurgery999
  4. I really really want the download for this mod.. it looks awesome..my head has been embedded in London Mod for too long. I need the link. Please message me if you have the release link. Thanks.
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