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About Ferras

  • Birthday 08/02/1985

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  • Location
    London, UK
  • Interests
    Airsoft, paintball with tanks! Emergency services and security, video gaming and sleeping :D

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  1. London is... Ok for airsofting, it's all indoors making tactics impossible. It's like playing Modern Warfare, your no more than a few steps away from an engagement but no lasers/knives/grenades or anything with a loud bang. Don't want the Police turning up with REAL guns ha! I'm not in a team but looking to start one at some point. You got a team? Plan on playing down here ...

  2. Mainly tuddenham in suffolk, great site! i didint know about the ones in London! do you play in a team?

  3. I play airsoft in London Bridge and Greenwich. What about you?

  4. where do you airsoft mate?

  5. You've just missed the LFB recruitment mate, pay is real low but you get a better pay rate working at an airport fire station I missed applying at Heathrow by a day! This brings me on to the next topic. If we wish to play this on campaign mode in future with a Beta release, will we have airport units from Heathrow? I know it's looked after by Met and LAS but Heathrow has it's own private Fire service, what will be done regarding that?
  6. Hey Sniped, can I make one suggestion about the vehicles? They are more or less all the same speed. For example, the RRV gets there the same time as the ambulance and other police cars should be faster. Would that be taken into consideration?
  7. Just to clarify, did you install it then loaded the mod in Modifications and try freeplay?
  8. Wow, this looks interesting. Is this still going or is it being paused? It looks quite promising and look forward to having the opportunity to play it.
  9. That is incorrect, At night the medical crew, including a paramedic and senior trauma doctor, still respond to emergencies, but travel in a specially-equipped rapid response car. They never fly at night.
  10. I watched a documentary on Youtube and it said the Air Ambulances have to use cars after dark as it's far to dangerous to land in built up areas at night. I don't know if that applies everywhere else but it does explain why London has them.
  11. Can I make a suggestion? The lifebelt said 'Just for decoration', why not have it used for rescuing people drowning? It'll be a lot easier than having to get a diver to come out (In my opinion). Also will you be able to do more detailed medical procedures at the scene of the incident? Like using the kit yourself and such.
  12. I don't think he's refuring to if he can play mods after he loaded this mod, I think he's asking if the game will change so that we cannot play any other mods. I also would like to know if you loose a vehicle is it gone for good.
  13. Met police have to call in specialist officers for armed incidents.
  14. Hey sniped, just giving you a bug I found, the fire fighters with white helmets can pick up cutters but will not use them.
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