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Everything posted by Fuzzyface

  1. [Off Topic Post] Any news in regards to the hacker yet? Oh wait a second...
  2. Haha, nothing like ensuring style if you're captured and they remove the suit...They must be levi's Amazing suit Also..plans for gloves? otherwise people could confuse your feet with your hands and vice versa
  3. Hahaha, I can't remember the amount of times we used to go to our tutor rooms early for the sake of sticking page 3 in the centre of the whiteboard for our teachers
  4. It's okay, I was only saying
  5. Xplorer, I don't think Ami89 was suggesting it was right (given the word 'retarded') ... Ultimately, I don't ever see there being an end to this. It's almost a counter productive loop. Yes, the initial goal was to find Bin Laden, then out of nowhere Iraq are thrown into the light via a voted for law, stating they had to let inspectors in or face consequences. They let inspectors in, who found nothing and realised they dropped a b*****k, so suddenly a change in leaders becomes the forefront reason (something that G.W Bush inherited as a POLICY when he took over) Now I am in no way, supportive of etc, but they DO have a point in that it is not the 'United Forces' land to currently be sat on. They did what they wanted by overthrowing Saddam, so we should have all got the hell out of there after. Unfortunately, the longer we stay, and the more of them we kill, the more of them get hired to 'force out' the 'opressor'. Everything is already corrupted there already, for example the Police officer in 'training' out there who shot the british troops as they had lunch with an ak47. We should just pull everyone out, no care for face saving now when there's no face left, it's peoples lives at risk. If Obama, Brown, Sarkozy(sp?) and everyone else want a presence in the Eastern Countries, they should go there themselves.
  6. Added you on xbox live, I would like to be PD for South Manhattan I have no issue with the time difference. I'm a big boy now so i'm allowed up after 9
  7. What gets me is quitters on XBL. Laughably, I was winning a game on fifa 10 3-0, and as the guy quit i sent a message saying "I'm sorry" and offering a hug. He came back with, 'i was battering you'. People's logic confuses me sometimes
  8. So I was just flicking through my paper and saw this. All I can say is...ooops!] [ Edit - Webpage is from The Sun newspaper so if you A) don't like the paper, or B) are too young incase you wonder to the page 3 section, don't complain to me ]
  9. I will do anything in regards to Policing end of, haha. XBL: Fuzzyfaaace (Yes 3 A's)
  10. I knew I should have come on here over the weekend! I will send you a pm in around 2 minutes with my details haha.
  11. This could be completely wrong but... The reason there is only one ambulance/first response vehicle is because no matter how many you have in game, they can still only perform one function. Mods, in general, take alot longer to load where people aim to create more realistic units, and include more SoSi scripting. Therefore, the more vehicles you add, the longer it takes to load. Fire and police have many units, who perform many different tasks, the ambulance service (despite there being St john's, NHS etc) all perform ONE specific action, no matter what name is on the vehicle. That might not be the case in real life so to speak, but within the mod medics do one thing. I'd rather have one ambulance and less loading time, than 3-5 when I would still only use one. May I suggest to the modmakers they possibly create a few skins for different vehicles, then post a poll as to what people want in game, unless you already know for a fact you are having what you want (since it is your mod ) Also, anyone feel free to correct me on that haha.
  12. Thank you very much for that, just reading through all of the details now. I feel a checklist being created so I can seriously consider
  13. I wanted to move from England to join an american fire and rescue team. Only problem is, as i'm twenty and it takes 5 years to become an American citizen, I would only have 1 opportunity to get in. Booooo.
  14. Haha, I was quite surprised none of the other guys mentioned it
  15. Just a quick one, you might want to take your address out of the post otherwise you will be spammed the hell out of. You should send people a pm if they say they will add/talk to you, rather than leting anyone who visits the page see it
  16. I did want to be a retained firefighter but i live too far from any of the stations So outside of work i spend my time trying to get ready for when full time ff turns up *fingers crossed*
  17. Hardly? We have female E.M.T's, firefighters and policewomen?
  18. I like the sound of cave rescue. Funnily enough, as much as I don't mind a confined space, caves scare the crap out of me haha. @hunter You never know, it might be that because of the grenade there was only half a mini And the drain covers can vary, we namely have 3 types of covers, 2 of which are easy and can be moved with one hand, whereas some require 2 men and a bit of sweat. The most annoying part is when local councils re-tarmac roads, they just go straight over the manhole covers, and so we have to break all the tarmac around them to lift them back out [Edit - To be more specific, the one in picture 11 is difficult to get out as the two parts don't FULLY seperate. It's not fun holding a bit of weight as you swing it to the side with your face looking down a 2-20 foot shaft sometimes haha]
  19. It's not scary, I actually find it really enjoyable. And a whole mixture of things, I would say the worse thing is when it starts raining. As soon as you hear a surge of water, you got about 30 seconds to get out if you want to live haha. Apart from that, one of the guys I work with once found a live hand grenade down there haha (Just in case I am not believed, the interview is here Just follow the questions to the left hand side for Rob Smith)
  20. Ok then That's fine as I already have it haha. The countdown begins!
  21. So basically, lots of students
  22. Not sure if there is already a thread on this, but I thought it would be interesting to see what people actually get up to outside of this forum. I'll happily start; I work for Thames Water in London as a 'Trunk Sewers Inspector'. Basically, I don safety gear, and walk through London's sewers with a handheld camera checking for things like missing mortar, bricks, cracks etc. Feel free to continue..
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