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Everything posted by BritishArmyReserveCadets

  1. New Banners: URL: http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/5374/policee.png
  2. New Banner Logos. Just had time to complete 2 WMAS & WMFS Banner Logos, Enjoy! WMFS: http://img26.imagesh.../6696/firej.png WMAS: http://img215.images.../ambulancer.png
  3. Im helping out with textures as im from WM so can pretty much do the skins as i see them (i might also be able to get some siren recordings) im also doing lighting now for the mod aswell, im learning to light, but this is something i quickly made: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmtiy0lhZpg i know its a bit hard to see, not that good at making videos
  4. Hmm, just looked at some youtube vids, the newest fire appliances do have a door thing at the back to get at the pump.
  5. Nice to see a WM Mod back in progress! Problem with the lightbar of the fire truck though, we dont use full length LED Lightbars round here, they look more like this: Yea, we still use rotaries Also at the back, there isnt any doors where the hose connections are, its just open
  6. I still play it, infact, just reinstalled loads of police/fire/ambulance mods today
  7. I Spoke to the lady from WMAS about work experience, but shes pretty useless and only replied once, so thats why i was wondering about SJA, ill give the local SJA a call tomorrow and just ask the question. Thanks for your help.
  8. ^thats damn nice. And does anyone know if SJA do a work experience course on the frontline ambulances? or a taster of some Technician/Paramedic Course
  9. Yeah thats it. but i downloaded it from somewhere different.
  10. Ive got a second beta on my computer for ERS Berlin i downloaded from somewhere, anyone know about Beta 2?
  11. And traffic, i know now a lot of traffic units use tasers now aswell.
  12. Another thing i continue to notice both IG and in the vids, ladder and engine 10 are the wrong way around.
  13. If you had read Dyson's & Rafael's post's you'd have noticed they said they're not going to give out any prediction incase of any setbacks. Period.
  14. Maybe add multiple detective skins depending on purpose/use
  15. ye, they also use that larger vehicle to carry things like the bomb suits, robots, etc
  16. thats just awesome, could you add officers in proper bomb suits, such as: also, what about adding the proper vehicle they use?
  17. Currently a Lance Corporal in the British Army Cadets, plan to join the 1st Royal Tank Regiment (RAC) CBRN (Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear (Deal with the scientific warfare kind of stuff ))
  18. It'll keep you busy for about 2 decades, talk about 2 years EDIT: Bot, or copycat much?.......
  19. I'd like to see you do better, Get Out, for your own benefit. You haven't seen the mod first hand, you don't know what's come from where, for all you know a lot of the things now might be there own stuff, so until you can prove your "accusations", Shut Up. And makes a change from what you said yesterday
  20. It takes a bit longer than LA Mod. But loading times mainly depend on computer performance.
  21. the only time units get stuck (as in dont move) is if there destroyed or stuck between 2 parked cars (i did that once, ill upload a screenie if im allowed) and ive ordered like an extra 5 R1's at once, didnt get stuck, should be ok
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