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  1. love all your work on the midlands mod. I work for WMAS in Birmingham and would love to get a copy of this mod with all the updates you have done. Are you able to release a BETA version (or just a copy for myself for private use?)



  2. I think... Add the child and name it, and then in the command file for the flashing lights make it so that if bluelights activated = yes, then the child is shown. (I would be more specific, but I dont have the resources on me to look it up)
  3. Hi all, I now have the mod on my laptop meaning I can do the occasional bit of development. At the moment, I need some testers, so any experienced persons, please drop me a PM with your PC Specifications. Thanks.
  4. Ability to spawn; Police Officer with Stab Vest, Fluoro Jacket, PCSO, CMPG and OSU. Maybe BTP, but I cant remember off the top of my head. Also repairs all police vehicles in the station and has the empty station area command.
  5. The current version released has the accident sign within the files. However, it was not made usable due to a script error I haven't yet got round to fixing.
  6. Sorry, but no. As far as I am aware it can be used in other mods aslong as you put in credits. Someone else may be able to give a pointer.
  7. Mod:/Scripts/Game/Command/QLDTaser.script
  8. There is one in the West Midlands and London mod which was used from the QLD Mod. I believe it mentions in the script that it can be used publicly.
  9. None of the models were square or blocky. The very initial models were, but none were included in Version 1. All of the updates since November/October time are what will be included in the second version of the mod, which has very similar functionality to that of the Los Angeles Mod, with a British spin on it, such as Terrafix and Genisys command icons, and ambulance standby points rather than one massive hub, varying grades of fire and ambulance staff with appropriate tabards and other clothing. It's unlikely the Mod will be released soon, as I am busy with University, however, nearly everything is done, all unit icons are now done, making the mod much easier to use. Also, no one else is currently working on the mod.
  10. Could you make your question a bit more comprehensible to a semi-posh English citizen, and then I will be able to write a more exact response to your question.
  11. Liebherr 1040 Crane. (By RD_Saarland, Mibblitz) in Ainscough Crane Hire Ltd livery.
  12. All the unit text's are now done. The long and painful process of unit icons is now in the works. Some more changes to the game - - HAZMAT Firefighter has now been added - Updated Volvo FL Skin -Fixed the centre point of the Volvo FL - Various Aesthetic changes to the fire station. The fire station is also now fully working. - Advanced Paramedic/ECP can how heal. - Paramedic Area Support Officer can now change into a fluorescent jacket. - Fixed the stretcher slightly - You can't get the stretcher if you are holding the emergency case/other equipment, where-as you could before and then wouldnt be able to lift a person. I may be removing the CS Gas from the police officers, because the police officers bug out if the suspect starts fighting with them. A diver is also on the way shortly.
  13. Progress is ongoing. Unit names/info texts/etc are nearly done. Various Tech Units and various fixes to the mod are next on the agenda.
  14. The default EM4 Mulitplayer map is what is used in v1.0. I'd like to let you all know now that a lot has come on from what it was, but as I am leaving for university soon and my computer is staying at home, don't expect the mod to be completed any time soon. I'll work on bits and bobs a few times a year when I'm home, but it could be a few years until its close to release, due to time constraints.
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