Hello Folks, This fire cuts cant continue, We have just came out of an econmic misshap of a recession now we are basically heading for another one with these cuts. Cutting the fire service and police etc aint a good idea, None of the front line services should get cut, When we relie on them there not going to be there like the click of the fingers. If he wants to save millions on the fire service it aint going to work. Closing stations isnt exactly a good idea. One day there might be a major incident and david cameron has closed have the countries fire stations and now it will fall back on him when he realises that these cuts are not necasery. Goverment should be saving money not us. Emergency services and Defence services have there right to keep us safe at all times and not get jeprodised with these cuts. Thousands of people are unemployed, David cameron doesnt care remember what he said? " the poorer will get poorer" everyone thought he would be good but no hes making the country a shambles! Its okay david if your house was on fire and there was no station or that nearby you can only blame yourself for making these ridiculous cuts, Look at mps spending our money on toilet seats and everything that was shown in the paper! Closing RAF Kinloss is going to leave over 5000 people with out jobs, Your going to let that happen. Your letting the country down and people wont be able to afford anything! If these cuts were important dont you think they would of been done a while ago? You have became in charge and you are making the wrong decisions about cuts. The Emergency services are there to help, cutting 190 - 800 frontline firefighter jobs is catastrophic, You will have protesters and strikes all the time. You cant expect to close RAF Bases and people live rich. No poor kids are going to be out on the streets and familys wont be able to get daily food because your cuts have left them with out of jobs. David Cameron you should reroute your cuts and not aim it at the emergency serivces. Emergency services and Defence services spend money for a reason, And thats to make sure we have the correct equipment to deal with todays disasters and incidents. If you are making cuts we will never be able to deal with any of these incidents and these cuts will be to blame. Each fire appliance costs 250,000. Would you rather see that turn up at your house? Or would you rather just see a van? I think you would rather see a fire appliance attend your need. These cuts are not neccasery and We need our Emergency And Armed Forces to protect us, Not see them go down and start merging from there own brigades into one. People wont have jobs in the next 10 years because of these cuts. Only you can change this by stopping the cuts agianst the Emergency And Armed Forces.. If theres a terror attack. Have of our resources wont be able to help because half of them will be gone with these cuts and we wont have the amount of people who are trained anymore because they will be out of jobs. We need our Emergency and Defence services.