When i was 3 years old i fell and banged my head on the rim of the bed. 10 Stiches really hurt. My worst bike accident was when i was riding i caught my jeans in the chain it pulled it into the geares and left a huge gash on my leg. I also managed to gucut off the flesh on the front of the nail clean off 2 times with a knife.
Nope i don't care your injury looks nasty Ouch I once fell off my bike and banged my head on a wooden post on the side of the road. Srry i accused you of lying what would you have done if you were in my position.
Why not it says on the profile your seventeen oh wait it changed sixteen It says you like driving the resque/ ladder truck altho you are only allowed to drive them at minimum 18 years of age states the law of canada. I mean i got nothing against you buut you don't have to lie. Shame Also why would you post an injury that happend 3 years ago???
He had videos of em. vehicles responding. In germany it is illegal to film from inside but he filmed them from the outside but the em. service were bothering him about it so he took the vids out. He has put the mods on hold at the moment.