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Everything posted by DuxburyFD

  1. I'm sorry i didnt finish the skin yet because it has a problem but i restarted and its starting to look good. I will be posting our first Model tonight made by FDNYPortu.
  2. What mods are these. Too bad i unloaded GTA4 off my pc but i might load it back on those Mods look gr8
  3. Cool it sounds real good
  4. Its going to be in the vietnam war.
  5. There is a new call of duty coming out too
  6. Eeeeeew the new ambulances are disgusting
  7. I'm thinking of buying either MW2 for PS3 or wait for Medal of Honor Modern Warfare.
  8. They are stilla bit boxy but they have improved a lot. progress New York 911 Team
  9. Very Nice but the wheels are wonkey i would remake the wheels.
  10. Hello Hoppah.I would like to ask you if i could use your arjent lightbar from the lapd cruiser in my Zug Modifikation. Kind Regards DuxburyFD
  11. Hey guys. Just got back from an exercise. I would like to remind that we are still searching for someone who nows how to script and a few testers just pm me or post in the topic if your interested. Kolin 12 will hopefully be finished by Sunday altho i had to restart it after a problem with the scin .
  12. Thank you. We will have more screens this weekend.
  13. Both really good adverts. The Go Compare advert is so annoying. Somehow it makes me not wânt to watch itv or any channels with adverts. Heres my advert : Got to take time to watch all these so funny. They make an advert :
  14. DuxburyFD


    Nice Taxis
  15. Thnx. So guys What do you think feel free to post.
  16. Yes but not in first version. In first version we will make the existing freeplay map better.
  17. Here is a screenshot WIP : Here This model is from the Zwickau mod team.
  18. This is the Zug Modifikation Here is the Official Thread of the Zug modifikation. Zug is a town in Central Switzerland. In 2007 there were 26'000 inhabitants. Zug has a big central fire department that is called the Stützpunktfeuerwehr. This fire department does what a normal fire deparment does but it has the special task of helping small communal fire departments with heavy equipment. The first version of this Mod will only contain this fire department and a small number of other Units. We are hoping for utmost realism so we wont be making 3 vehicles a day. We will add at least one screen tonight. here are the vehicles from the mod. We are searching for modelers,skinners and a uv mapper we also need a few testers. If you would like to contribute to this mod in any way feel free to post. Here is the Team : 1 Creator : DuxburyFD ( skinner, Mapper ) 2 Creator : FDNYPortu ( skinner, Modeler) Helper : Ale ( skinning, Modeling ) Lighter : Occram Zug Mod Team
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