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  1. Flying to Denver tomorrow and then driving to LA

  2. I speak fluent german if you want.
  3. IT probably wasn't the army. (special forces/cia) or something. But he has caused so much pain to the american people that he finally got what he deserved.
  4. I went throu a lot of stuff in the past 6 months including changing schools i did not have time to continue the mod. I will restart this mod again now. Expect to see updates on sunday.
  5. you live in altdorf haha

    i live in zug

  6. i almost got completly wiped out of the database =(

    1. DuxburyFD


      foto wiped friends list wiped e-mail wiped

  7. He's still at large. He might cause more. Hope not tho.
  8. Police special-forces in Biel switzerland have a man down with a shot in the Head in the university hospital of Berne. A man Barrikiaded himself in his home with a rifle because his house was to be sold at auction because he doesn't pay taxes. He fist shot a police officer 48 hours ago but last night also heavily injured another in the head. The man is 67 and still at large. Police and Military are searching nationwide for him.
  9. Comment vas le ny 911 mod?

  10. School starts on saturday =(

  11. i ban you for poking your tongue out at tac. rooster
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