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About Jim_Brass

  • Birthday 02/16/1989

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  1. Hi Are you using normal endless game or challenge mode for your MP session? I know with some mods I play the challenge mode crashes after a small amount of game play time.
  2. Thanks for the reply. I had the issue even with Windows 7 but still between AMD and NVIDIA though. I will try a driver update first as that will be the easiest thing to do, then will mess with the settings on that version. If that doesn't work will try an older driver and keep the both drivers available to swap between if needed. General point for anyone who sees this using Windows 10 and didn't know themselves. I haven't found a way to outright disable Windows 10 updates on Windows 10 home edition (Other version do have a setting to disable them). The only way I have found is to set my internet connection as metered. Windows 10 will not download updates as it will think you have a data cap. Wifi connections can be set to metered from the WiFi settings you have access to. Ethernet connections have to have a registry edit to toggle them between metered and not metered.
  3. Hi all Sorry if this has been posted somewhere I did try searching but found no results for my particular scenario. My desktop PC seems to struggle handling emergency vehicle lights whereas my laptop does not. I would say the only major hardware between the two that could cause this would be the graphics card (Desktop uses AMD and Laptop has a Nvidia). I will also post a dxdiag for both systems. Just wondering if anyone else has noticed this or if there are any suggestions people could offer please. Thanks PC-DXDIAG-CONDENSED.txt LAPTOP-DXDIAG-CONDENSED.txt
  4. A wye can only be deployed by the LA mod firefighters still in the game. Multiple Wyes cannot be connected together to form an infinite extension. However multiple wyes can be deployed by one engine. Procedure for deploying a wye: Equip a firefighter with a hose and connect to the engine. Move that firefighter to where you want the wye deployed and then deploy it. Equip another two firefighters with hoses and then attach them to the wye.See attached screenshot (Please notify if you want it scaling down for the thread) for how this would look and I hope this helps
  5. Hi all Don't want to but probably will sound like a noob but I was wondering if anyone could tell me what the: BAE uniform option is and what's it used for, and also what the Sector Commander role is please. I have tried searching myself but was only able to find ranks such a crew manager e.t.c not the more in depth roles. Thanks.
  6. That's cool, also just a general query does the RAC Drink Water command replenish health or is it just an aesthetic touch?
  7. Ahh that could have been it, I attached the hose hydrant to engine with a normal firefighter and then disconnected with the chauffeur and it turned my chauffeur into a normal firefighter , will make sure it is connected by the chauffeur only aswell then.
  8. Hi, I only used the wye once and it worked fine for me (What is the know issue/s with the wye as I have never ecountered one?). Also regarding the chauffeur if he does loose the ability to unhook the hose between the hydrant and engine try using the equip bunker gear option which puts him into wearing shorts as this fixed the issue with me when I had it. ---------------------------- Another note on the chauffeur is when in a multiplayer session only the hosts can hook and disconnect engines to and from hydrants, clients can't (my above fix might solve the issue but never tried it for this scenario). Hope this helps with something at least .
  9. Is this just your in game settings or do you change your normal dekstop settings aswell? Also when you say when game boots up do you mean the main menu or the actual free play session? Thanks.
  10. Yes it Tower 21 needs to be installed then hooked upto a hydrant
  11. Ladder 21 can hook upto a water supply to deal with a fire however when you finish the incident the game thinks it is out of water and you have to send off map and recall to map to stop getting the empty tank messages (Unless this was fixed in 3.0.3) Ladder 4 however cannot hook up to a hydrant at all.
  12. Hi all. First of all thanks Raf and Dyson, awesome mod. Also Merry Christmas to everyone. Couple of minor issues/bugs (Don't affect me much just thought I would mention them) As Tactical Rooster said above there is the occasional incident where casualties can't be lifted I haven't noticed it since I reinstalled the mod after a Hard Drive crash myself though but I did experience it. Also once I have used fire hoses and drop them the FFs seem to bug when going to use them again. I have to equip extinguishers and then hoses.
  13. I have a laptop with Hybird GFX (Both an Intel and Nvidia) does anyone know if Normal version would work? Just before I download and transfer everything to my laptop over a rubbish network lol.
  14. I noticed I get a major drop in FPS when I have vehicles selected. As soon as I deselect them the game runs smooth.
  15. This reminds me, I get a bug where I set vehicles on patrol and they get locked at patrol speed (Changing to speeds 1,2 or 3 do not change the speed to respond to incidents after a patrol) So I have to send them to HQ and bring a new vehicle onto map. This bug isn't too bad for tow trucks but PD on patrol will take forever to get to a crime/incident. Note: This is on normal V3 not tried on the SD version will do now and update Update: This also occurs on SD version so on both I just station cars around the map and not patrol for now. Update 2: Just noticed when I click send to HQ it forces the car out of patrol speed and you can change speeds again although to have to click Return to HQ after every patrol and then direct it to an incident.
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