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mr matt5432123

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Everything posted by mr matt5432123

  1. Hey guys! I've finally finished my first model, or at least the base of it. I'm debating on weather I should be adding the rest of it on the physical base model, or as childs. Anyways, the model is the old version of the Oshkosh Striker 3000. I also plan to model many other ARFF units too! Such as other variations of the striker, and the Oshkosh Storm, the Oshkosh P-19, and many others too! Planned units so far: Old Oshkosh Striker 3000 - Done Oshkosh P-19 - Nearly Done Here are the pics of the Old Oshkosh Striker 3000 which is nearly done, it obviously needs some texture touchups, and some cosmetic items which I'll add as childs. P.S. Constructive criticism is always welcome!
  2. Hello there! Today it seems that I've completely finished my first model made completely from scratch! Though, there seems to be 2 problems. Note that these problems do not arise until after I convert the file to a .v3o file. 1. in order for the uv map to show up in-game, I have to manually type in the name of the .png file into the .v3o file after opening it up in notepad, I'm fine with this, but it doesn't allow me to input more than one file, and I need to use 2 textures. 2. the vehicle appears to be at a 90 degree angle to the right on the Y axis, though I didn't set it that way, and when I imported it and attempted to fix it, it would not save it that way. Any help at all would be amazingly appreciated, I've been working on a model pack for you all and would love to release them, but these are the 2 issues getting in the way of that. I can take some screen shots if needed too. Thanks.
  3. Hi there! So you mean the game opens, then just closes back to your desktop? Try running the game in compatibility mode for windows vista or windows XP. If that doesn't work, try running it as an administrator too.
  4. Nice to hear all the progress, I'm really excited to see the CPC-unit!
  5. I wish it weren't the truth, but there's really no way to do that, the way I go about it is to just look at the mods most currently posted on, as a mod that's had a new post one week ago is obviously more active than one that's had it's latest post a year ago. Long story short, any mods that are not cancelled are most likely going to be on the first page of any forum.
  6. Well, for starters, emergency 5 was never released for Mac to my knowledge anyways, so you would need a virtual machine to run it. Now you can probably install the game without the NVidia graphics card, you'll just have some trouble running it smoothly, as mac's were not exactly made for gaming. But I'm not too familiar with macs, it may work just fine, but my guess is that you will get a very low framerate. You should try turning down the graphics settings, but if it still does not run well, there's not much you can do, that I'm aware of, on a mac.
  7. Hey everyone! I'm working on a possibly private possibly public (hopefully public) mod of my hometown, unfortunately, my department and neighboring towns use some rigs that are quite rare to find around here. They are mostly all pierce units. I'm working on some now, but would like some place holders until I get them just right. So, I would like everybody that has a little extra time on their hands to help point me in the right direction of some pierce rigs, more specifically, pierce rigs that could be used as rescue engines or squads. Thanks a lot!
  8. You Realize that this mod is for Emergency 5 right? That's a picture of emergency 4's mods folder.
  9. Yes I did read the whole thing. I don't think I mentioned anything about putting it into a new folder, I was talking about searching for the folder in the game modifications panel, it's not like em4 where it shows right after you extract the files, could you please send me some pics of the folder it's in and of it not showing in-game please?
  10. I believe that after you put it in your mods folder you must go in the game and before the mod will show up, you must go where you would have selected the mod and there should be a button that says something like "Add Mod" click that and navigate to the mod and then it should show up. If not you may have to restart the game.
  11. Ah, I see. I'm very happy to hear that because I was having troubles making the curves look like actual curves, but I suppose that's not a problem anymore then! Thanks!
  12. Hello Itchboy, Thankyou for showing me about un aligned verts, I finally figured out how to get them (mostly) straight. I think they look a bit better. Progress is going good, but now I have a couple of questions that I hope you can answer, my main problem right now is as you can see below, I'm trying to make a couple of crosslays next to the vehicle pump panel, I'm not exactly sure how detailed they should be. Do you think they're good? I'm finding it hard to make something that looks like a hose, but I figured that because of how emergency 4's camera works they won't need to be completely perfect. And one last thing, how many vertices, edges, faces, and poly's should an average model like this have? I was wondering if I should start cutting back on some parts of the model to minimize performance issues in-game.
  13. Hey Guys! what's up! I'm finally getting back into EM4 modding! I had decided awhile ago try to start modeling, but things kept getting in the way and I could never get to it. But in the last few days my life has become a little less "chaotic" so yesterday I decided to give modeling a go. There are some pictures below of my first ever model made completely from scratch! I did a lot better than I thought I would, but there are still some parts that just don't seem just right, like the wheelwells seem a little big, but I should be able to fix all that in the next few days. It's nowhere near done, but I thought I would ask if anyone had any tips that I could use before I get too far into the detail part of the model. P.S. It's supposed to be a 1986 Pierce arrow pumper.
  14. I think that if Sixteen Tons Entertainment just took emergency 4, gave it better graphics and a new campaign and better modding capability's, then they would make so much money that they'd never have to make another game ever again.
  15. I Definitely understand that, I think I would prefer a finished map at first. then the new game mechanics can be introduced.
  16. I just saw the new pics of the vehicles other than the ambulance, and I must say that they are fantastic! I really love that there is finally a mod for em5 that shifts the actions to a more American type. I also have a few suggestions if your interested. I really would like to see many more vehicles in the game mainly, but if you can, I think the community would really benefit from more tasks that personnel could be given, like in emergency 4 where mods gave units more abilities such as firefighters giving medical treatment while waiting for an ambulance. And lastly, I'm not too sure about other's opinions on it, but I personally would like to see this mod give the game more realism. Anyhow, keep up the great work!
  17. I really like this! Hope you keep up with it!
  18. Hello everyone! I'm really sorry I haven't been very active lately, I've had a lot on my hands at the moment especially with the holidays coming up. But at the moment I need a little trustworthy advice, I was cleaning up my PC which I do a couple times a year and noticed that an application called Akamai NetSession Client has been using a lot of my PC's memory and such, I read up on it and it just seemed a little weird, and I don't exactly get what it does and why I need it, so then I looked at some reviews for it and found some completely conflicting topics. I know that you all are usually pretty trustworthy, so if any of you can tell me, what exactly is this program, why do I need it, and if I can delete it. because I'm thinking that it's some kind of malware or something close to that. !!!Hey everybody!!! ---- I tried disabling the program and my PC internet connection skyrocketed! I guess it was using all of it itself! If you have this I would recommend deleting or disabling it!
  19. Hey thanks a lot guys! This really helped me out!
  20. Hi guys, So I'm a little broke right now, but I want to get a better screen recorder, anybody know of any good free ones? I don't need anything fancy, just something that records at a good quality, is simple to use, and can record up to around 30 minutes.
  21. Hey guys! Long time no see eh? I'm seeking a little help here, I would like to know what the pupose is of the: fp_freeplay script in the folder: Scripts>game>mission What does it do? How can I edit it? Thanks a lot guys!
  22. This is a problem with the graphics card, in order to fix it you would need to either switch to a new graphics card, or try turning some options (usually shadows) off.
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