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Everything posted by Alex03

  1. I know same type of roof but with those ugly interior lights(the swedish!)
  2. And you have no life since you are -ing this topic!
  3. UPPDATE 13.04.2011 By request of Matte31 I made a riot-truck for him.Its a Mercedes Vario short with integrated lights in the roof. The model with doors and wheels was made by Minibaizer. All credits to him. The Roof is made by me. Skin editing and texturing is also by me.
  4. But the Sprinters files are only in .v30. So what you need to do is this: First!!! Put the .v30 files and their textures in Mod:Models/Vehicles/Fire Department/Sprinter(example name) Start the editor and open your mod In the menu where you can see all vehicles find either Fire Depratment, Police, Ambulance or TEQ Click on new.The Create Prototype menu will open. Save the .e4p file in either Fire Depratment, Police, Ambulance or TEQ and click ok.The Prototype menu will pop-up. Click on Browse and find you model in you mod-folder(ex:Mod:Models/Vehicles/Fire Department/Sprinter.v30)Click OK When adding child's like doors and wheels do the same but in the objects window. You can add these in the vehicles children option in the Prototype Menu.
  5. Well do you know how to add vehicles or .v30 files in the editor?
  6. Sure will start now. What problems did you have with the Sprinters?
  7. This mod is coming along very good!!! And @MagnusMalte use the edit button!
  8. Yup the link disapeard, but here us the pic! http://www.emergency-forum.de/index.php?page=Attachment&attachmentID=1763&h=d9f20edf15382ef20b74cefbe1635ee6749847c0 I can edit the small one and add the roof you want? Here is the link to where the Sprinters are. http://www.emergency-forum.de/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=36429
  9. Here is the car withouth aufbau. I you want i can make the the rest and send it to you? And why dont you use Nico and Sputniks Sprinter?
  10. Yup they will only be used in Oslo by a few cars. Its not desided that they will change colors.
  11. No, I never visits this forum anymore!
  12. Now its April wich theme this month?
  13. I know you are waiting for the siren script and I can promise you it in the start of easter and if I am lucky much more earlier!
  14. I guess there is a download for foam on the german forum.
  15. I have added the car to the map. But when I want to move it it moves sideways instead of the right way?? What have I done wrong!!!! Thanks for any help!
  16. It looks to detaild for EM, whats it for??
  17. Coming along nice there!!!! This is the Scania P94 by CultziBolzi and Me. Its for the Rundefjord mod. Light and preview vid is soon upp in my topic. Feedback is wanted!!!! Cabin: Cultzibolzi Aufbau:Alex03 Children: Chidea,Alex03 Textures: Chidea,Cultzibolzi and Alex03
  18. In my country they have stopd using horses because of the injuries they can gett and inlict? Do the NYPD have large trucks with fences to block of streets??
  19. How do NYPD handel demonstartions and riots?? What type of vehicles do they use? Horses?
  20. Nice!!! What is it going to be???? Truck....ladder?????
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