But the Sprinters files are only in .v30. So what you need to do is this: First!!! Put the .v30 files and their textures in Mod:Models/Vehicles/Fire Department/Sprinter(example name) Start the editor and open your mod In the menu where you can see all vehicles find either Fire Depratment, Police, Ambulance or TEQ Click on new.The Create Prototype menu will open. Save the .e4p file in either Fire Depratment, Police, Ambulance or TEQ and click ok.The Prototype menu will pop-up. Click on Browse and find you model in you mod-folder(ex:Mod:Models/Vehicles/Fire Department/Sprinter.v30)Click OK When adding child's like doors and wheels do the same but in the objects window. You can add these in the vehicles children option in the Prototype Menu.