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Fire Dept. Boston

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About Fire Dept. Boston

  • Birthday 05/01/1996

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  1. Nice start for that Mod. Did you planed a new map? There is a nice rural town map in the emergency fanforum (http://www.emergency-forum.de/filebase/index.php?entry/2534-kleinstadt-freeplay-map-1-1-spielbare-karte/) Nice to see, that you use my pierce engine.
  2. Thanks for the Ideas. Now a small lifesign of me. I started to built a new firefighter-helmet...aka the morning pride. Thanks to RD_Saarland. He helped me to understand working in zmodeler 3. Helmet is made by me. The Personmodel is from Em4.
  3. Nice Rigs, I like the Mack Ladder.. It`s a typical badass rig. Can I make a advice? Could you use fraps? With that programm you can make better Screenshots of you vehicles.
  4. @RangerDogThat could be possible. The Germersheim Mod is working like that, you have your call-out, but with more interaction. For example a emergency doctor or paramedic have to check the victim in a car-crash, after that the fire dept can make their work. I want to make it more like a simulation, but without a lot of clicks for a simple task, but with more interaction with the money. @FInn Rescue 12Feel free to use it. I would be happy to see what you guys do with my content. There are enough mods which are like the Los Angeles mod (and that`s okay) but I want to make this mod a bit different. A other gaming-feeling. The Ideas I have are possible in the singleplayer. In multiplayer.. I don`t know. In Singleplayer you start with a old firehouse with two old rigs. Other vehicles can you call from outside the map. You can update your firehouse with more places for your Apparatus and buy new/old equiment. With the Call-Outs you get your money. And buy apparatus like: Mack CF Towerladder 12.000$ / E-One Ladder 15.000$ / Pierce Quint 25.000$ / .... In Multiplayer maybe the 4-Players have 4 Stations like this and can upgrade their stations like in singleplay.
  5. After Skinning it looks more badass (⌐■_■) Author are the same (me and Hoppah) It would be awesome to see, what you guys do with this apparatus... there are a lot of ideas for skins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8E9u6yUXqE
  6. @bma Thanks for the informations and the advices. Well, I know the work with this huge mods. I was a member of the Langenselbold Mod Team. We had a MapChange Script, tons of maps and apparatus, too (and yep a lot of work ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ). Maybe I do the best I can do with the freeplay, or made It without mapChange. Today I finished the work on the GMC Brush Truck. Here a picture: Authors: Fire Dept. Boston and Hoppah During the day maybe the download will be released.
  7. 238 downloads

    Hello Guys, the 3D-model is made by me and with parts from Hoppahs Military Truck. 1) The use of my objects is freely available to everyone. 2) Scaling, texturing, skinning and attaching of objects is allowed. 3) Modifications of the model are to be discussed with the author 4) Author identification in ReadMe files and under screenshots 5) No commercial use! 6) Use only allowed in the EMERGENCY game series! 7) If parts are from other modders, their rules and prohibitions must be observed! If you have any question... ask here: http://www.emergency-planet.com/topic/21970-fire-dept-bostons-showroom/ GMC Brush.rar
  8. Dear Guys, I`m working on a modification concept. Now I want to ask which of the Ideas you Guys preefer and to ask the scripters which is more possible. First idea: A classic singleplayer/multiplayer modification like bieberfelde and northview. There should be two towns with a lot of apparatus. Second idea: A Mission-Script modification like wegberg and dortheim. Dortheim is a german mod in which you can buy vehicles for your own fire dept. ( like in this video: https://youtu.be/VGN25F9prfA?t=29m8s). The Player should start on a small map with the firehouse and maybe with two vehicles. While playing the player gets money which he can use to upgrade the firehouse, equipment and apparatus. But I want to implement a mapchange. The problem is that I don´t know enough for this scripting. Is there are a way to make a mod like this? Could it be work like "autosafe before call-out, mapchange, after all work is done load the old safegame, add a random number of money"? @bma You are working on a Special operation mod which have these features. How do you implement these features?
  9. Yeah, problem solve. Where are my cookies? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  10. I maybe know the problem. Did you changed the model of the station or is it a new model? Are your stettings looks like this (look at "Placement") ? Maybe the vehicles and units dont move, because they are "blocked" by the station. If there is any Problem after changing to no collision, try "none" After you deleted the "Collision" you have to put VO as a virtuell wall.
  11. I´m working on a big tutorial. I send a PM to you.
  12. @Dennis Reid We could work together, if you want. It would be a nice and small community project.
  13. @itchboy You know me better than I knew myself. Yes, thats no problem. I see there are a lot of ideas which I can do.
  14. @itchboy I planed a lot of vehicles to build for my mod. But there are some smaller projects, which I want to do. For Example a Unimog 416 "TLF 8/18" ( TLF -> Tanker with ~475 gal watertank and a pump with ~211 gpm) Like this: http://www.sos-pictures.de/details.php?image_id=36260 @freakinfuzzball I maybe do a Vehicle with a Enforcer cab. The Ladder-Truck seems to fit in my mod-concept. But without a pump, because I don`t like rigs in em4 which you can use for every call-out.
  15. @EmC-Unit and @mr matt5432123 Your Vehicles looks awesome.
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