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  1. are you all still around I have a lot to offer to a clan

  2. do us all a favor and get off your high hoarse and let everyone play the dam game without u bitching like a baby 

    1. kicks270


      Pretty sure I have a vox stating you wanted to join S55 a few weeks back......it's people like you guys who ruin the game.

    2. chrisbailey22


      by the way I wanted you to know that if u didn't release your new mod to everyone to play it is going around some one leaked it out

  3. you know i wish you the best of luck in your clan but next time could u say you are leaving and that you where going to copy and past our rules and sops

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Joshua Eldridge

      Joshua Eldridge

      I will rewrite all our SOPs an our rules

    3. kicks270


      How are you going to yell at Joshua when you guys stole everything from Squad 55 and "made" your own clan........

    4. Joshua Eldridge
  4. look we have talked to black out and all of this was already taking care of. it happens to be a different member of s55 that didn't know what was going on since they don't always talk to each other over there. trocks never knew that we talked to black and got everything taking care of. All we do is post our clan link here. s
  5. To everyone the admins know and have nothing that they will do because our mod is not posted on this site due to the fact that no one knows what open source means so we have decided to not put it up on here. We have our permissions and that is what matters and because the mod is not on here when do have to do anything. So I ask that if all you wanna do is down talk a clan than go somewhere else with the childish behavior as we are just a friendly clan trying to have fun.
  6. to mant haters that just dont understand it is just a game and 90% of harbor has la mod items in it but im done with this i have sound recorfing from balckout and that is all that matters
  7. here is you read me file and ill bold the most important item that caused blackout to give us right to edit the mod this is the same read me that is in you 4.6.1 and 4.5.2 which I have both to and anyone that has any of these mods will have the same read me file so this is not made up in cause you try and say that and if you don't believe me see smallsnipe ******************** HARBOR CITY 4.5.1 ******************** ORIGINALLY CREATED BY: BLACKOUT LATEST RELEASE BY: BLACKOUT, THURI, NEKONOVA ******************** http://www.squad55.com/ (Homepage) http://forum.emergency-planet.com (Mods) ********** IMPORTANT: Please report bugs using the included Bug Report Form and email to "552blackout@gmail.com". READ THE LIST OF KNOWN BUGS before submitting a new report. Do not submit reports on bugs already listed unless differences are noticed. IMPORTANT: You may NOT edit this mod or use it your own mod WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT FROM BLACKOUT. IMPORTANT: Niether Squad 55, nor Blackout own any of the vehicle models in this mod, we simply have permission to use them ********** UPDATE FROM HARBOR CITY 4.4 -------------------------- The latest update builds upon the success of the Limited Water Supply featured in Harbor City 4.4. Key new features include: - Brand new HAZTECH firefighters to bridge the gap between HAZMAT firefighters and normal firefighters. - Improved GPS allows Police units to have standby points within their assigned districts. - Refurbishment of all the fire stations, the police station, hospital, and parking garages / depots after two long years of to the city by Squad 55: with extensions to Station 2, Station 6 and Station 7. - New Harbor City Tech Centre with staging for Tow units in district. - An open space rejuvenation fund which has allowed the redesigning of the east hospital park, east shopping plaza, west railway park and south campsite. - Brand new railway station and airport. INSTALLATION ------------ 1) Extract the .rar file. 2) Copy the "4.5 Harbor City" folder in your "Mods" folder. You're mods folder is likely located either... C:\Program Files (x86)\WizardWorks\911 - First Responders\Mods OR C:\Program Files (x86)\sixteen tons entertainment\Emergency 4\Mods 3) Start the game and play! DISCLAIMER: The use of any official logos in this Mod is not endorsed by their owners. Do not pay for this Mod. This mod is free and our creations are open-source.
  8. actually trocks you better check with balckout but becuse there is a read me file that saysopen source in the mod black out gave us the right to edit the mod
  9. we have never posted the mod on here for personal reasons and yes we have all the permissions to use this mod and make changes that suit us. We just dont wanna post our mod here and the website we use is owned by me so there no issue there i can pst my web link because it is our link to our site
  10. Battalion 422 is still looking for new and active members. If you would like to join a fun and friendly community than please give us a chance.. www.battalon422.com
  11. omg do you not see that engines 1-4 are different. go look at the difference. those engines are from north view south county. also they used ford excursion for ems sup and fire sup. where we have used a Chevy Tahoe, ford explorer, and changed the script and lighting packs for most units. and we have more changes come. if you can't tell what is different than you might wanna look harder.
  12. Ok all of you are wrong There are a lot of changes. Engines 1-4 are brand new engines that are and never been in harbor city. There is a brand new lighting pack for all units. Ems And Fire command units are all brand new. There are new scripts and accidents that appear in the game. When Version 1 comes out all the ladder units, the rest of the engines, tech car, and all of pd will be repleaced with new and update units
  13. Battalion 422 would like everyone to know that we have our mod up and running. It is Called City Of Esterland V0.5 and as been released to all rembers only. We do have a few bug that we are working out but it is up and working with a fire and ems version only and also and fire, ems, and pd version too. So if you are intrested than please click on our web site link above and apply for membership and we would be glad to have you join our nice gaming community.
  14. thank you jamnj88 i would like the same map just 7 different types on stations something more updated with doors to
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