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Everything posted by Wkboy714

  1. That does look good But I thought it was spelt "Feuerwehr"?
  2. Yeah looks pretty good I just hope I can run the graphics for it. And, anyone notice this little joke?
  3. Yeah this is amazing!, but, very confusing to work out for us non-German speakers I've spent 20 minutes and so far the truck has left the station.
  4. Hi, just a quick minor question, On my new laptop, the ingame unit previews are just white squares and won't show. Does anyone know about this? Or a fix to it? I can post my logfile or dxdiag if needed.Thanks for your help in advance
  5. A very good selection of sirens. And a really good concept if vehicles are able to have more than one siren How would it work ingame though? Can you pick from any of the sirens whilst ingame? Will the siren you chose work for each individual vehicle (rather than eg. all vehicles of that prototype)?
  6. Erm maybe not in the whole world for example I've never seen that used here in Britain. But maybe most of America uses it, I agree it would be a nice realistic touch
  7. Great, I look forward to it!
  8. To disable an event you need to find the "<Enabled value = "1" />" and change the 1 to a 0.
  9. Are you definitely adding it as a Child of the vehicle?
  10. I guess Sergeants could just be for fun/realism? Or maybe they can be slightly better, eg. run a bit faster/bit more health etc.
  11. Yeah does look good. Little touches like that are what makes mods the best mods
  12. You can use the right mouse to rotate an object, or use right mouse & hold Shift and/or alt to manipulate its different axis And to select several things I believe you can hold down Ctrl and click on them all.
  13. Oooh, not a bad model. Although the lightbar isn't real NYPD
  14. 'Ey Max, sounds good to me. I'm English too so count me in ;D Yeah, this
  15. Mine's slow since I moved here too, but I'd just sit here for hours waiting ;D
  16. It's not size that matters, it's how you use it
  17. Am I excited? **** yes ;D those new screens look amazing! Nice models from Rockstar too
  18. As we're doing ideas of what would be good, I always liked the traffic checkpoint in Winterberg; the ability to randomly stop cars and check things out. It'd be even better if it included pedestrians too.
  19. Looks good hopefully big trucks manage it as well as that car.
  20. Yeah, the combination of smoke and alarm noises and lights would really get the adrenaline going in fighting those fires!
  21. I would try this: Go to your mods folder, delete any LA Mod folders already there and all the contents, then try reinstalling
  22. Wait, I'm confused... You're trying to install it even though it already is installed?
  23. I get that message too, but just continue installation and it works fine
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