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Everything posted by Wkboy714

  1. Still no luck...this game has fail multiplayer
  2. "Server not found" Have you tried disabling your firewall?
  3. Unfortunately I see only "No servers available".. I don't know why
  4. Yes I'll install a fresh new copy of v1.01
  5. haha, true. Are you using the original mods? I edit most of my mods (so I would need to re-install them to play MP)
  6. I'd like to play online, but I'm not sure how good my connection is sometimes...
  7. That looks amazing the depth of realism is fantastic, and I would love to play in that style.
  8. Then yes it's possible to increase traffic, but the more you do the slower the game will get To do so I think you have to increase the frequency of spawn points.
  9. It's possible, through some tweaking, but the busier it is the more CPU power is needed. Most mods keep the number of civilians and cars low to allow lower-end computers to play, even though I would love the streets to be realistically busy but it can get laggy (and make harder gameplay)
  10. Just as long as if you call a patrol car, it won't drive itself empty from the station, then all my officers will be waiting inside
  11. I know nothing about scripting, but in theory could you make a script that executes.... >travel to co-ordinates >face a certain direction (eg away from the bay) >travel to new co-ordinates directly behind the old co-ordinates Then hopefully the game's path-finding will see that the quickest way is to reverse
  12. People shouldn't worry about sounds, as they can be easily replaced I loved the video, the lights were good. Shame there were no police calls though. I can't wait Are there going to be "call (unit)" commands like in LA mod? Didn't see them used in the video. And therell be a police patrol option?
  13. Wkboy714

    Madrid Mod

    They look great! I love the huge number and diversity of the units. But I ask, what is a "social emergency"?
  14. Lol at the random wildlife stuff. Also that looks like one good map
  15. Well so far mine works great. A few missing icons (only red "X") but that's okay. The only big problem is the small fire station is stuck. It is impossible to move them
  16. I'll probably be setting my Freeplay start time to 9pm, so I can enjoy the lights as soon as I start
  17. You probably have User Control activated, but it's easy to fix, just see this thread.
  18. He should be allowed to win again, if he does the effort and has the skills (which he does). If you think that's unfair you should try to beat him even I might enter.
  19. If you reinstall the game, then you'll probably need to reinstall the mods you play.
  20. Anyone can download a free version of Fraps that lets you take screenshots (in only one format) and video clips up to 30 seconds long (but you can always record several 30-second clips and put them together )
  21. Ooh, nice I always wondered how to make those alpha patterns.
  22. Don't forget to change on the lightbar also
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