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  1. Double posting but, Ventelä volunteer fire department. LU641 and LU643
  2. I released the Scania crewcab, hope it helps people to make their own Finland mods! Ill give the download link when its available. http://forum.emergency-planet.com/files/file/562-scania-crewcab-saurus/
  3. 235 downloads

    Please, read the readme before use. New facelift Scania CP28 cab.
  4. Yes, theres a lot of stuff in the roof, but i'll make those things... http://henrik.1g.fi/kuvat/H%C3%A4lytysajoneuvot/Uusimaa/L%C3%A4nsi-Uusimaa/Pelastuslaitos/Asema%2070%20Karjaa/IMG_9397.JPG/_full.jpg
  5. Polices. And the new policecar livery. Transporter made by NNiCO and passat by TimmeyX.
  6. How about reopening this mod? What you guys think Mercedes model is made by NNICO and MadMonk. Scania is made by me. Real units: scania http://henrik.1g.fi/kuvat/H%C3%A4lytysajoneuvot/Uusimaa/L%C3%A4nsi-Uusimaa/Pelastuslaitos/Asema%2060%20Lohja/IMG_0471.JPG/_full.jpg mercedes http://henrik.1g.fi/kuvat/H%C3%A4lytysajoneuvot/Uusimaa/L%C3%A4nsi-Uusimaa/Sairaankuljetus/Vihdin%20Sairaankuljetus/Lohja/IMG_0393.JPG/_full.jpg
  7. olevinaa

    3D stuff

    Hi, i've started to make 3d models again. And this is first what i gonna show. Its Scania dump truck. I will make trailer to that thing... I will make other objects and vehicles too and release these to the download area hope you like this.
  8. Hi, i'm pleased that this mod had so much intrest. But unfortunately i dont have this mod in my computer anymore. It gone when i have to install windows again. I still read this forum quite often. Maybe someone will someday have intrest to make new Lohja mod . Its kinda sad that i lost the playable version of this mod.. Its pretty hard to learn again to use 3d programs and others. And 14h in day driving a truck takes every juicy out of me
  9. Hi guys, I have pretty bad news for you, i'm going to stop the mod. Because i really dont have time and interest to continue this mod alone. Last thing what i made was the facelifting, and i havent even opened the editor since that. My personal life has changed pretty much that i dont even want to be at computer allday. I'm not gonna delete any files, because i don't know about the future, maybe i continue the mod or not... I can answer the PM:s if you have something in your mind. Moderators can also lock this topic.
  10. In your newest picture, engine at right, thats my model and you just have edited it. And try to understand that you are not gonna use my model in your mod anymore, including that what you have "edited" Get it?
  11. Aaaaaaand, you are not allowed anymore to use my seagrave model, because you have edited it.
  12. Offtopic: Itsekin olin ko. keikalla ensimäisenä kohteessa olevassa yksikössä Ontopic: mmm, someday.
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