Hello friends! Forgive me not master English, but would like to share with you. I could solve the problem of non-functioning of the Emergency 4 with Windows 10. I looked at the heart of Intel's downloads updates of chipsets. I informed my setup and downloaded the drive compatible with the previous version "Driver Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator for Windows * 7". I could just keep Windows 10 yet! Here is my dialogue with Microsoft, if they want the translation: http://answers.microsoft.com/pt-br/windows/forum/windows_10-other_settings/problemas-de-compatibilidade-da-vers%C3%A3o-do/2443899d-6e21-4b8b-8e5e-19dce3ef1fa8?msgId=4ef6dd2f-d2b1-4b68-bff4-c14cf94668b4 I hope I can help them! hugs