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COYS IRONS last won the day on November 20 2016

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  1. thanks Kieran and yes that's good news cant wait TACRfan
  2. yep I re downloaded now running perfect , another problem is if I send a police unit from police station to a job the unit leaves the station heads up the road and heads back to station ? and keeps doing this again and again happens to all the police units at the front car park with KP and BTP erv's and station vans - but works fine for the KP and BTP firearm units along the side
  3. hi TACRfan , ive just downloaded the mod and every vehicle and building in game that you've created has a tab above it saying , prototype building , prototype vehicle etc but all , and every vehicle look like the outline of a merc ambo which have criss cross hatches in it on a bluish cubic model hope u can get something sorted
  4. sorry pottyscotty I'm new to this , will notdouble post anymore
  5. awesome , very happy with this idea about the callout menu , and ok I understand for the amount of units keep up the good work
  6. https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjmpYGGv8TQAhVHbhQKHag7A98QjRwIBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fflickriver-lb-1710691658.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com%2Fphotos%2Ftags%2Fsecamb%2Finteresting%2F&psig=AFQjCNFob1H8A673mL_ADx9nLSWkh2ymQQ&ust=1480183366742122 u seen secambs new RRVS Mitsubishi PHEV'S , would be a great addition to the game as since you've been creating this secamb have brought out a load of new RRVS oh and also CCP double crewed ambos all pics by Paul Armstrong a fellow Kent EV spotter a good mate of mine
  7. awesome I understand my question is their an option to add more vehicles to are game that aren't accessible from the callout menu ?for example the RRV , as its always the landrover bronze commander , as id like to add a few more V50S and Skoda RRV'S to my game
  8. I see , any new ambo vehicles listed in the game , need any more pics of ACRP'S used by secamb ?
  9. wow amazing ,can we see some progress of the ambulance station please , as id be honest in the version I'm playing now its quite unrealistic :-) can't wait to see the mod when finished !
  10. thanks can u add a skoda , Volvo and a merc DCA as can take 3-4 crews
  11. wow cant wait for the newer version so excited , can we have more ambulance units on the map please. is an ACRP ( ambulance community response post ) going to be implemented ? as these are standby points put in areas of call demand so the public get the best response time , this is Maidstone south ACRP inside is an area for crews to rest between calls have been inside before as was invited in by a FALCK crew . I'm a Maidstone emergency vehicle photographer
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