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About di_loves_planes

  • Birthday September 13

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  1. Since it says "no download" there is no link available. In other words, you can't download it. Have to wait for it to be released http://www.emergency-planet.com/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png
  2. Looks awesome TACRfan http://www.emergency-planet.com/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png
  3. Best of luck with the development Hope it turns out amazing
  4. I would rather have the one person stretcher script, I think it makes more realistic
  5. the read me file in the folder should answer all your questions about starting to play the mod
  6. Glad to hear, maybe for v3 could be base on Duches of Cambridge palace in Norfolk
  7. Yes, it is a submod, information on the first page, first paragraph
  8. Since it isn´t an airport fire unit i think it needs to be dispatched by the fire chief
  9. With the forest fires if they dont threat any building just let them burn and they will eventually stop Np
  10. I have tested the air ops sirens and works, they have a sound that is the bird scaring which is a bit low, tacrfan posted a video on it in this forum the radio doesn´t work when the siren is on, it gives you a script error, tacrfan has some information about it in the read me file (if i'm not mistaken, these already happens in Kent mod)
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