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Junior Cavichioni

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  1. It seems that the guy does not understand! Até parece que o cara não entende que não é para falar Brasileiro!
  2. Eae blza?

    O Junior me passa seu skype denovo!!!

    tenho mais coisas novas pra postar.


  3. PT-BR: Eu faço sirenes, fiz curso de audacity, aproposito, oque aconteceu com o paulo vitor? En-Us: I do sirens, I course of audacity, by the way, happened to o'que paulo vitor?
  4. We Brazilians will like very much the MOD SP BOTH THE MOD SC BOTH ARE AWESOME
  5. We Brazilians will like very much the MOD SP BOTH THE MOD SC BOTH ARE AWESOME
  6. Very cool the SC MOD! I'm from Rio Grande Do Sul and I'm really enjoying the pictures, keep going to be really cool!
  7. Ta guy getting really cool mod SP Brazilian type I will like! Congratulations to the SP MOD team!
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