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Everything posted by Snafu76

  1. Excuse me to remove this subject but what are the ligh ? I don't have all the light i think and i don't find whiwh light i have to instal :/ Sorry for my english i'm french
  2. Ah, ok, tnak you I just don't know what "WIP" means (I'm french )
  3. Excuse me but, when we load the mod, we see a red fire truck but i don't found in the game, where is he ?
  4. Did we have a link to dowload ? I searched but i didn't found :/
  5. Ok, all is good after this, thank you every one
  6. I have to take all the files Betafix in the data/textures or juste the corona and lightmap ?
  7. Hello everybody, excuse me if i'm not in the good section of the forum but it'smy first post. (And i'm French and i don't understand al the forum, so excuse me if this is not good) I have a little problem with this mod, i have no light, when i turn on the fire truck there is just white square and this is the same problem for some mod and i don't know why and i search if maybe you have some answer ? Thank you if you have answer, Snafu76
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