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  1. I added a couple new vehicles to my game and they mostly work but when they stop moving they drop under the map.
  2. I seem to have fixed it. Apparently the cannon superstructure i was using caused the game to crash. When i switched it with one from the base game the crashing stopped.
  3. no dice. every unit.xml file i tried had no effect.
  4. To clarify, despite being it an LTF without hose connections it still causes the game to crash.
  5. I went back and double checked to be sure and it is an LPF without any hose connections.
  6. So I attempted adding a new unit to my game, and it works for the most part, but when i try to add a water cannon to it then call it ingame the game just crashes to the desktop without warning or a dialog box. Any adivce?
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