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Everything posted by Bossanova

  1. Where is the actual link to download it? It's not in the OP.
  2. As someone who has played the alpha version, I'm REALLY looking forward to the final product. Good work thus far!
  3. Hello, I downloaded the Latvia mod last night and when I attempted to go edit the fp_params_endless XML, it was missing. Would it work if I copied the fp_params_endless XML from another mod and pasted it in the Latvia mod's specs folder? or would that break something?
  4. Hello, I found the website to download the Bieberfelde mod, but I'm not finding the actual link for the mod. http://bieberfelde.emergency-forum.de
  5. Hello, I'm wanting to install a few mods, but had a couple questions. 1) How do I back up files such as the data folder? Do I just copy the folder and paste in a separate location, or should I email myself the folder and keep it there if I need it? 2) I know one of the mods I want to install replaces the data folder. Do all of the mods replace that folder? If so, how will I be able to have more than one mod at a time running? 3) Will having three mods cause major issues? Is it advised to only have two mods at a time?
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