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Everything posted by matte31

  1. I have a model, that i copied and pasted into the same place that the other model was, it have copy after it, i tryed to reskin it to another skin, then owerwrited the other.. but when i look in the editor the skin is the same as the original one.. what am i doing wrong? I have tryed to make a new folder for it and past the model and prototype files in.. But no success.
  2. Got this error today on my mod : (_entercar8e1d9): error: failed to evaluate class member 'IsparamedicTeam'(p.IsparamedicTeam) How to fix that? It happends when the nef is going to nef vehicle..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lithium


      Could it be that you missed a capital? (As IsParamedicTeam is a cleaner code description than the previously stated)

    3. matte31


      Yes i maybe put it wrong i know.. But what is the problem? I dont want to make another thread..

    4. Lithium


      The problem is that you may have placed a lowercase 'p', instead of an uppercase 'P'. You are free to create threads, as long it serves a purpose.

  3. New ambulance vehicle http://img706.imageshack.us/gal.php?g=em4deluxe20100925170940.png Mercedes ambulance.
  4. So.. can anyone give me an clear answer how to reskin V30 files..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. matte31


      No, all the helicopters in the game ( i think ) only have V30 files.. So they cant be reskinned?

    3. Texas_DPS


      look for png files

    4. matte31


      No reskinnable formats, only find V30 files, you can take a look your self in your Em4 folder, and then look for the helicopter dds/texture , there is no

  5. But that tutorial is about changin DDS to V30?
  6. Some police vehicles, they are simple reskins of the originals from em4 http://img180.imageshack.us/i/em4deluxe20100922183854.png/ Just Police helicopter left of the police vehicles!
  7. That's the answer i was looking for! Thank you
  8. Just like the title says, how can i reskin v30 files? All helicopters in the game are V30 and not DDS.
  9. Nice, good idea! But aren't you working on enough mods at this point? Just wondering.
  10. Soon done with a hospital ( will not be scripted in first version ) Just one problem, the helipad from la mod is not landable, how can i fix that? - will not exist in 1.0
  11. You can fix that in your EH mod folder , then Units.
  12. Hi, im wondering, the original Rescue helicopter in em4 cant be reskinned? It doesnt have any dds file. So how can i reskin it? And; The dauphin helicopter in LA mod, is it free to use in a mod ? Sorry if it sound stupid but i want to know // matte
  13. Thank you for your support No problem my english is not that good either!
  14. Im kinda sure he will. There is no information that em2012 will be moddable.
  15. You uses alot of lol in you're text. OT: I send 2 engines on structure fires in some cases one engine and one ladder, on ems calls i send an ALS ambulance or the closest medical vehicle. I have 1 police helicopter and 1 ambulance heli on the both helipads.. 3-4 police cars on patrol and 2 parked by the police HQ.
  16. Thats normal, of course they threat the victims when they're trapped in the car, you can do this in the RTS mod.
  17. They are already on the right ones. But goingt to try.
  18. Anyone played this great mod ? Is it only me or does it only have medical calls and traffic accidents? Link to download : http://emergency-forum.de/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=32764
  19. Nice one! Whats it purpose? Command vehicle?
  20. It didnt work in the editor :O ? EDIT: Nope, the text was still like that..
  21. Doesnt work, just stand police on the side that it stand ecilop on before. And ecilop on the side it stand police..
  22. New tec vehicle... http://img168.imageshack.us/i/em4deluxe20100912164905.png/ Model by : Mainzibaer
  23. But if the vehicle have 2 sides? If i write police on one it says ecilop on the other.. How to fix that?
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