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Everything posted by matte31

  1. Yeah indeed. But i'll try to find a scripter or something til i release 2.0 or 1.1
  2. I accept help, but i dont want everyone on this community to help, i pick specific people to help me myself. And as you see this mod is soon complete its on 96% so it will be released, then about your mods, show me something of your work or else you trolling. / have a nice day
  3. Well then, go make your own mod if you think its so easy. You really think that a modder have all time to work on the mod but thats wrong. It can take time accept that or leave.
  4. I understand exactly what it means. BUT this is MY project and I want to finish it MYSELF. And this is not what you calling a never finish project, this project will be finished, its just about time. Besides that im working for free so i can take as long as i want.
  5. This mod is awsome, one of the best i ever played actually. And that hoppah has returned is also great! Heres some tips for the mod to be a little better ( i know that most of those has already been sugested ) More traffic/civilians - for the nyc feeling Different numbers on the battalion vehicles when they are called of the map. Different ambulances. May be something more, but i cant remember. / matte
  6. How many battalions is it in NYC ?
  7. Yeah and bugs will ruin the gameplay pretty bad.
  8. Yup, im in charge so i pick to release it when its done. Just as Magnus malte said, its better to release a whole mod than a not done one! And the New york mod have actually been in work for 2 years now so.. /matte
  9. Looks like alot of fun! Looking forward to see the fire dept Good job / matte
  10. Havet thought about it actually But thanks!
  11. I dont know, but i dont want to bother people work They may be busy as i
  12. I have exactly 0% knowledge of scripting at the moment hehe.. And yes its based on the city Göteborg.
  13. You can see it on some of the videos on the first page. Still manual parking on it no scripts.
  14. Hello. Its because i got some problems with the reskins. The yellow ruined the whole car hehe. Maybe in next version.
  15. Hello. Well im kinda sure i can do, but i dont think it will be more vehicles for the first version / matte
  16. Isnt it better to release what you got, then start one more?
  17. Yeah probably, i just Translated the swedish word for it
  18. Im not 100% but the homeguard may help with forest fires.
  19. Use the crane vehicle wich is located to the right on the call list.
  20. Does anyone know how i can reskin doors, that are V30 files?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. matte31


      yes, but the doors are gone on the model in the editor, i cant find them on childs either.

    3. Alex03


      then you need to add them to the children place of vehicles parts and then add them to the car through the childs menu.

    4. matte31


      Yes i know that, the problem is that i dont find them in that menu!

  21. This submod is just awsome! Exactly what i need for the long wait of the New york mod. But some crashes and bugs ruins the game very bad The police vans at the dock have no wheels. MERV unit have white wheels. Is a rescue boat suppose to stay out in the water? The mod gets error when moving in guys in the ESU van. The mod also crashes randomly. Im sure those are reported problems, but im to lazy to read trough all pages Hope you can fix those bugs til the next release! /matte
  22. How many haz-tac ambulances is it in the city?
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