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Everything posted by matte31

  1. Danke! EDIT: Bug nr 1 is now fixed. Just need to fix the thing with more vehicles and siren to all units.
  2. Update Some of the vehicle's sirens are now working! Thanks to Alex03 and Regio19Modification for the help with the script. Some problems. 1. When the vehicle exits the HQ or when driving behind a civil vehicle the standard Em4 siren starts, how can i fix that? 2. Some vehicles have dissipeared, i have added then in specs and units but they are not ingame? Thanks in advance.
  3. Looks like it going to be the best finnish mod! Good job Jani!
  4. The reason why there is blackhawks etc is because this actually was a submod for the LA mod.
  5. matte31

    Rundefjord Mod

    Looks pretty goddamn awsome! Thx for beta
  6. Anyone who can help me with a siren script for my mod? ( Alex03 seems pretty busy so i ask someone else for the moment )

    1. RedHawk504


      Maybe i can help you whats the problem?

    2. dutchFDNYfan


      i know a lot about siren scrips i can help you to when you want ?

    3. matte31


      Thx both, i give instruction later if i cant fix it myself ::)

  7. matte31

    [CZ] CS80

    Looks very oldschool! Good job
  8. Whats it purpose? I can see that it says Insatsleder( battalion ) Is it a reserve battalion chief?
  9. Lets hope that wikileaks get some nice footage from the soldiers battle cams in a near future @Reece.c , i agree with you. It will probably be another large terror attack soon, the question is where. I put my guess on a large airport like Heathrow or so..
  10. matte31

    Madrid Mod

    So many new units! Its amazing, great job!
  11. Thank you for your kind comment I also hope i can release it soon.
  12. Yes in models/vehicle/01fire. Idk which one the right is but if you try your way through you will see it. Just use the edit button on the vehicle that havent got a model, then choose browse in the middle and look it up.
  13. The last thing. Just go into the editor, and choose the engine. Then browse for the model file!
  14. Im glad that you accepted the offer! Well dont expect anything the last 2 days or so. You will get a pm when its done
  15. Yup the siren script. It feels kinda sad that alex03 have worked hard on it and it just works for him, well i have sended a updated version of the mod to him and i guess he have started work with it. You foleby94 and focuz can test it when he have fixed it! It can take some time, but im sure he will fix it properly.
  16. The fix for the fire truck is to add the model again.
  17. The first fire truck is missing for me too..
  18. I'll contact you tommorow or something when i have fixed somethings. ( just maybe if i have time )
  19. Its easy. 1. get photoshop 2. get a dds plugin for photoshop ( since most of the reskin files are dds ) 3. put the reskin files, you just drag the file into PS( usually in model/vehicle folder , ex models/vehicle/fire department/rw.dds ) 4. make the reskin that you want. 5. save the file, in this case as dds. 6. put the dds file back to its original folder and overwrite the old one. DONE
  20. Hey thanks for your concern! Well the script is done but we have met another problem.. The script works perfectly for alex03 but not for me. I dont know what to do now.
  21. Thats what i thought too, looked very suspecious to learn zmodeler in just a day or so..
  22. Wich one is the latest version of wegberg mod? / can somone upload it? I only have 0.9 with three's on the road blocking the road.

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