This mod is a futuristic/fictional setting of the city of Oporto (Porto), in northern Portugal. It will feature: Fire Department and Ambulance: - Sapadores do Porto (Oporto Professional Fire Department) - Portuenses (Volunteer Fire Department) - Porto (Volunteer Fire Department) - Sapadores de Gaia (Gaia Professional Fire Department) [backup] - Proteção Civil do Porto (Oporto Civil Protection) [backup] Ambulance: - INEM (National EMS) - CUF do Porto (Oporto Main Hospital - Private) - Portugalia (Private EMS) - Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa (Portuguese Red Cross) [backup] Police: - Polícia de Segurança Publica - PSP (National Police) - Polícia Municipal do Porto (Municipal Police of Oporto) Tech: - Câmara Municipal do Porto (Oporto City Hall) - Instituto de Medicina Legal do Porto (Oporto Coroner) Units made so far: Fire Department Sapadores do Porto ABSC 01 - Ambulance 1 VSAM 01 - Fly-car 1 All of the units will feature Alpha Reflections - I want to thank Ghost Graphic Designs, Rgalante and FTW_Modding for their kind support, help and ideas.