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  1. This mod is a futuristic/fictional setting of the city of Oporto (Porto), in northern Portugal. It will feature: Fire Department and Ambulance: - Sapadores do Porto (Oporto Professional Fire Department) - Portuenses (Volunteer Fire Department) - Porto (Volunteer Fire Department) - Sapadores de Gaia (Gaia Professional Fire Department) [backup] - Proteção Civil do Porto (Oporto Civil Protection) [backup] Ambulance: - INEM (National EMS) - CUF do Porto (Oporto Main Hospital - Private) - Portugalia (Private EMS) - Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa (Portuguese Red Cross) [backup] Police: - Polícia de Segurança Publica - PSP (National Police) - Polícia Municipal do Porto (Municipal Police of Oporto) Tech: - Câmara Municipal do Porto (Oporto City Hall) - Instituto de Medicina Legal do Porto (Oporto Coroner) Units made so far: Fire Department Sapadores do Porto ABSC 01 - Ambulance 1 VSAM 01 - Fly-car 1 All of the units will feature Alpha Reflections - I want to thank Ghost Graphic Designs, Rgalante and FTW_Modding for their kind support, help and ideas.
  2. Thank you Dyson, I've put them in the mod folder and they appear now, I don't know what happened, thank you both for helping!
  3. They are in the normal game folder (\sixteen tons entertainment\Emergency 4\Data\Coronas).
  4. I just recolored a corona changing the gradient and that same corona does not appear in the EM4 editor, the coronas are in the right folder. Thank you very much!
  5. This mod takes set in a fictional Portugal. I still am learning to make lights properly and then I'l start learning to make basic models, right now I'm just skinning some others (great) models. The Algarve Administration EMS (SEMAA) has 6 ambulances in the city of Altura along with an MCU and a fly-car. SEMAA services video: The Prototypes will most likely suffer changes in their skin. More updates will come very soon!
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