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  1. Do we have a Ford Focus Estate IRV?
  2. This was being called every tick, when the siren was on. V is the current vehicle. Take a look: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xeneh9070bpfjja/Screenshot%202015-04-04%2002.11.26.png?dl=0
  3. UPDATE: Fixed it. Inside the siren file, there was a small If-Statement getting the vehicle to be destroyed IF it was chasing someone down. Seemed really really perculiar. Nonetheless, its removed, and my game is working brilliantly now
  4. Someone contact Hoppah? It is his script and co-mod afterall. he hasn't got PM enabled, so unsure how to get hold of him
  5. Bump. Same situation, need help on this. I am not a modder, but do know my way around EM4 and the ways mods work, and have added the script to my self-contained mod, and have added it to all the police vehicles that I want to use the command. (NYC units) The issue arises, where I use the command, however, as soon as this is done, the vehicle itself turns into a wreck. I have trawled through your code vaguely, and cannot see anywhere which would call for this to occur.
  6. Need help. How do I deploy the HAZMAT decontamination tent? Thanks
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