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  1. Hello all, As I am a beginning German language student at university right now, I thought it would be cool and potentially informative if I could change the language of my game to German - especially with all the cool mods set in Germany. Unfortunately, Steam does not have a German language capability for 911 First Responders. Does anyone know of a pack with German dispatch and/or unit response voices? (Or maybe someone with a German version or EM4 Deluxe could make a pack real quick ) Thank you in advance, LegionIX
  2. I just noticed a significant issue. I only edited the v3o files which notepad was able to open. Some of them did not display plain text but rather wingdings-like gibberish. Do I have corrupted files? I will try a redownload.
  3. Hello all! I'm having some difficulties with texture "wrapping" in the Helping Peter and ERS Berlin mods. It is exactly as described in this thread: http://forum.emergency-planet.com/topic/19265-vehicle-texture-problem-911-first-responders/ Unfortunately, the solution offered by MikeyPI there (change all .PNG textures to .BMP and change the v3o file accordingly to eliminate the alpha channels) doesn't work for me. It fixes some vehicles but others remain distorted. I think that the changes in the v3o file might not be working entirely because when I delete the original .PNG files, the vehicles become entirely white and texture-less. Is there another change I need to make to the v3o? Is there a better solution? Thank you all in advance, LegionIX
  4. Sorry wrong forum. Reposing. Mods please delete
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