1. Drop your swat off down the road out of the way at the intersection 2. select 2 swat members equip 1 with handcuffs and 1 with the grenade 3. send the grenade swat forward to stun the suspect, the suspect will run towards the swat member 4. do not send the swat member towards the gang members normaly always send them by clicking throw grenade that way u only get 1 member at a time. 5. the gang member will get stunned out of gun range of the other members, then just send the handcuff swat to arrest him. 6. put the prisoner in the police van. 7. repeat for every gang member. 8. do it right none of your cops will get hit. if when your swat member is arresting the gang member, another gang member comes over just have the swat guy with the grenade throw a stun at him as soon as he starts to move he will b stunned b4 he can fire. That walkthrew makes it harder. they droped the swat off 2 close to the gang members.