hey i have an idea od doing this Gloucestershire emergancy service mod for emergency 4/911 first response. Gloucestershire is a county in britain near bristol if you don't know where it is. the team and who im looking to help with this mod: me, i will be doing the skinning of the Vehicles elliot wilkes, helping me with skinning but i think he is new to this task who im looking for if anyone wants to help a person who can model vehicles or who has the program to do this and understands it a person who can also script and make accidents in either editor or another programs. i can do this but we might need an extra helping hand well thats who im looking for and the members of the team. yes its firstly a 2 man team but hopefully you guys can take a part in this updates will be happening mainly each month either on here or on our facebook group https://www.emergency-planet.com/pages/Gloucestershire-emegancy-service-mod/709196089197787 thanks for your interest and hope to see postive feedback. if you have any critisium within this topic please say thanks