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  1. Hello. Yes I doubt that the spread of the mod was stopped but if anyone has this mod if he could make me a private message, I would give him my skype for him to send me. It would be really nice. I am Belgian, and I would really like to finally play a mod of my country. Before, there were dl mod belgium on this site, I had but I lost due to hard drive problems and now I can not find it anywhere. I'm not asking much to share a Belgian mod. I may be hard to understand but it really would make me very very very pleased to represented my country on Emergency 4. Finally, if anyone has information or has this mod, he sends me a private message I will give my skype address. Thank you, good evening
  2. Hi everyone. Sorry if I do not address me in the right forum but I'm looking desperately mod Antwerpen! From what I was told, version 2.0 is being created. I am looking for version 1.9, I look everywhere (google, emergency forum, etc ..) but I can not find anything .. If anyone has a link or a mod that if he could send me or by Skype or well I create a link on a web host so I can download it. I am Belgian, I'd really like to play on a Belgian mod. Thank you very much to those who could and who are willing to help me. PS: Sorry for my bad English. I am Belgian, I speak French so I use Google translation
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