So; I am trying to change the BLS Ambulance into the Fire Chief Vehicle at the second Fire Station. I understand that the four scripts involved are LAFireStation, LAFireStationStart, LABattalionChief, and LAGoToFireStation. So far, I've been able to set it so the SUV spawns in place of the BLS ambulance, though I can't quite get the staffing I want (2xFF/PPM), have it return to the station, or be able to be summoned by the Battallion Chief So far my plan has been changing any all "ambulance01.e4p" into "fire_chief_vehicle.e4p", though apparently that isn't enough. Hoppah's guide posted some years ago only covers the first step. Any help at all is appreciated. (It might also be worth mentioning that I, some time ago, changed the battalion chief SUV at Station one into a Light Equipment Truck. I can't quite remember how I did that though.)