The game is fun, has it's moments, but as with many, I don't think this game was tested - don't even get me started on the 1.2.1 patch, because that was clearly NOT tested for the RETAIL guys! Being in EMS myself, I find it interesting that when dealing with a patient that was in a traffic accident they managed to do the animations for 'putting up a drip or IV" but couldn't be bothered about doing the animation for putting on a c-collar or trauma board. It's the little things that irritate me about this game, but it's still a fun game, minus all the millions of bugs I find all the time. It's not like this company is NEW to this... they've been doing this type of game for ages, they need to get the basics right. We (or at least I) don't expect complete and utter realism, but joh, at least try to get it as right as possible. Good example I want to mention is Grey's Anatomy tv series, the first couple of seasons, people were okay with all the stupid things they did, then people started to complain (especially about them defibbing the wrong bloody rhythm!) and they had to start getting things right - I expect the same thing from this game (by now!)